I've got a lot going on. Over the past couple of days, I've helped Adam move into his new place. He has more space and he seems a lot happier. I love seeing that. Cayle and I stayed the night with him last saturday night. It was fun. That night Cayle got a little fussy before bed so we decided to go riding until he fell asleep. People were shooting fireworks on the lake. It was actually a really romantic kind of night. Cayle was asleep. We held hands and watched the fireworks while we listened to all the sweet songs on my ipod. Including 'Two is better than one.' 'Check Yes Juliet'. And many more. We're getting closer and closer by the day and honestly, I couldnt' be happier. I spent the 4th with him and his family. We went to church and then to his grandmother's house for lunch. That night I had to go home so Cayle could get a bath. We watched fireworks on my front porch. I enjoyed spending quality time with him. Yesterday, my dog died. She was 11. :[[ She had a tumor and it ruptured. I hated seeing her suffer. But she's in a better place now. Tomorrow I'm going to the Carter's outlet to get Cayle some new clothes. He's growing up on me. It's so sad, but also very happy at the same time. Which brings me to another point. I've decided to do a Halloween/costume party for Cayle's first birthday. He was due October 30th, but he came November 3rd. Birthdays NEVER fall on a weekend so I wanna have the party for family and friends the weekend before his birthday, and on his actual birthday I wanna do something special with him. Maybe I can take him to the aquarium. Or maybe the creative discovery museum. I just wanna do something to show him how much I love him. Also, I've been thinking about school. I need a job now. I found a school I could go to August to December and be done. It's fast paced and the money is good. My need for money cannot wait. So maybe hair school will have to be put on hold..for about 5-6 years.For medical billing and coding I could work from home, and when I really look at it..hairschool and the career itself isn't on Cayle's schedule at all. And I wanna do what's best for him. So medical billing and coding may need to be what I look into instead. I just feel like I don't have much time at all. I'm already stressed out and school hasn't even began. Ugh.