...yup. im a blonde now. :) i started school almost a month ago and I love it.!. I'm making a lot of friends and some have kids so I have someone to relate to. I'm putting in as many hours as possible to try to get out early..becauuuuseeee..drum roll please..Adam and I plan to move out august 2011. :D I've already learned how to do so much. And today I'm learning how to do foiling highlights. Adam and I are doing better than ever. We had a great weekend this past weekend. Friday we chilled at his apartment with Cayle. Saturday was out date night. We had a picnic in the park, got ice cream, and watched south park. It was so much fun. Recently, I've gotten closer to my friend, Alliea. We've gotten to where we hang out often and making more plans each week. I've been doing a lot of planning for Cayle's birthday and I plan on going shopping for decorations and more presents soon. I saw tons of things I thought Cayle would love. :)I go to school 4 days a week for 5 hours. And I'm trying to make it to where I can go in 5 days and put in more hours. I'm so excited to think getting my own place is closer than I thought it would be. I've already started looking for the best prices on things and buying what I can. My mom is also talking to her friend about getting me a job as a receptionist at a hair salon..her salon. :) I really hope I get it, but I'm not counting on it. Cayle is nine months old today. It's amazing how fast he's grown up. It's also hard to believe Adam has been around him for almost an entire year. And he hasn't even missed a milestone. I'm so happy with him. I love my little family. It may be different from others, but there is a lot of love. I feel like I'm getting somewhere now with life. Like, I'm doing something to better myself, and to make a better life for my son and myself. I feel like I've grown so much in the past year. And I can only hope that things continue to head in the right direction.
I'm so glad everything is back on track with you and Adam... I hated seeing one of my best friends so sad. That is good that you are making some friends at school to. I aim to find people at my school that have babies and talk to them because it is so much easier to have friends with babies so they know what goes on. Good luck on that job. I can't wait to see youguys on Friday! I can't believe our babies are already nine months old!!!! Time flies!