These are Cayle's party invites made by the lovely miss mommy mays (thanks again.!) I had to censor some things for privacy reasons, but I am handing out the invitations this week. Everyone is welcome to come in costume if they wish, but if you don't want to that's okay you can always dress up your babies :) I think it would be pretty adorable to have the kids come in costume. The colors are going to be orange, black, and purple. The theme is halloween. Cayle's birthday is on a wednesday so I'm having his party the weekend before, and on his actual birthday It's gonna be a small party for just us. A day to the aquarium or creative discovery museum, and out to lunch. He may not understand it, but I love spending one on one time with him. I have most of the decorations, but there are still some I need, and goodies for the treat bags. I wanna make sure I have something in the bags for everyone. Because there is a wide range of children coming. I also rented out the gym so the kids could run and play. As far as food goes..I think I'd like to to finger foods..or buy a few different platters, but I wanna make cayle his first cake. Im so excited. Adam's family wants to throw him a party too. They have family they want us to meet. I cant wait.!
You're Welcome. I can't wait! Sounds fun! I will be dressing up, but I don't have much of a costume and I am sure Jessie will be too. He LOVES his costume! Oh, and Samantha will be too. lol. Sounds like a fun day! I hope he enjoys it! Do you still want me to get you that survey so you can get the free discovery museum tickets? I will see if I can get it mailed to my friend's house and then to you if you want. =)