Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I've been thinking..

Cayle and I haven't done any crafts since Christmas time. And i found this website with great ideas for every holiday of the year.! Including birthdays and april fools. Not that April fools counts anymore. Here Are some pictures of a few that I would like to do with Cayle for sure.! I think the older he gets the more fun we'll have with it. But as of right now it'll still be fun. Poor Cayle has been sick since sunday. He has a tummy bug thats been going around..and he was nice enough to share it with everyone else..including me. I threw up a total of nine times..poor cayle has thrown up 5. I wish I could make him feel better faster, but his pediatrician really knows his stuff. Cayle is definitely better than he was when I took him in. He is slowly getting his appetite back. But like I said before..keep him in your thoughts. Adam comes home next Friday. I'm so excited to see him. He's really starting to hate it down there. He said his internet has gone out 4 times in the past two weeks, there's no AC in the future academy, the team lead down there is a straight up witch, and traffic down there is AWFUL. Poor guy. Haha. My birthday is Friday.! And Christina and I are going to hit up the nail salon.! Hellooooo acrylics.! I'm so excited. I think I'm more excited about that than I am about it being my birthday haha. Then saturday Kay wants us to go try on brides maids dresses. She wants us to wear either brown or teal. I for sure want my bride's maids in purple. I love purple. As far as wedding planning goes. I think I want to make my own center pieces. I have so many ideas that I don't wanna pay someone to make them for me. Hoepfully Cayle will be feeling better within the next day or two. I know one things for sure. I'm ready to start doing these crafts. They're inexpensive and extremely creative. I'll post pictures when we start making them.!

1 comment:

  1. Cute crafts! I will have to check out that website. I am not sure what I am doing for my birthday...
