Friday, September 23, 2011

Feeling somewhat accomplished.

I had a pretty great day today. I got paid today a little more than expected and was able to fill up my car, get Kay a bachelorete party gift, get Sami a birthday gift, and buy some treat bag fillers..and still have some cash left over.! I'm starting to see the upside of not going to red bank every weekend. Hahah. I got Kay a gift card to Victoria Secret. I really thought it would be awkward buying a dirty gift if you know what I mean considering her family will be at this party...and that I'm kind of dreading. I know someone will mention something about the..recent events. Blah. I got Sami a Toys R Us gift card. I hope she likes it. I wasn't quite sure what all she has already or what she might want so she can go shopping..and every girl loves to shop :) I got bubbles and party horns for the treat bags. Now all I need as far as treat bags go are stickers sheets, goldfish crackers, dum dums, and gummy snacks. I think that will make for a good treat bag. is the first official day of Fall.!!! Bye Bye summer and helloooo hoodies and cool weather. :D I'm very excited. My favorite time of year is here. And with that being said..the leaves are changing and so am I.

1 comment:

  1. She will Love it, girl. Like I said, she LOVES to shop! We just spent 2 hours in WalMart letting her pick out one last gift.

    OH YES! I LOVE FALL! I am excited. I have the house all decorated and scrubbed it down to welcome in the new season, and in case we decide to move into that house. (I want my deposit back.) Anyway, I got my Fall clothes out and my summer ones out in the back of the closet, activities planned, Yay! I am so excited!
