When I was little..I worried a lot more than a child should. I always wanted to act older because I was always around older people. But now that I have my beautiful baby boy Cayle I want to relive my childhood while he is experiencing it for the first time. I like to get down on the floor with him while he is on his play mat. I shake his rattles so he'll reach for them and smile. I swing with him at the park. He just smiles and coos. And it makes me feel so happy that I brought that laughter to him. Or I'm the one that made him smile. When he gets older Adam wants to read to him..and Adam doesn't like to read. I want to show him how to draw. Maybe we could play with Play Doh. There are so many things I want to do with Cayle for his childhood and my second [ so to speak.] I feel like it's important to make your child feel like they have someone to be there with them every step of the way. The good. The bad. And the ugly. I've done it all and I won't stop. Cayle has made me a fighter. He made me realize how strong I am. And one day when he's old enough to understand..I want to thank him for it. He saved me. He brought me through it all. And now we're happier. I cant wait to see Cayle experience childhood. I'll make it the best it can possibly be.
I know what you mean. Play Doh is awesome. Sami just got to the age where she really likes it. We play with it everyday. Adam could start reading to him now. I'll bet he'd really like it!