Here lately things have been good. bad. and ugly. The good. Adam, Cayle and I got a family portrait done yesterday. I think it looks amazing. We look like a happy family. Yesterday we had an amazing date that lasted all day. We went to breakfast with Cayle. And my mom wanted to see us so she came too. We got our portrait done. We spent some time at his house downloading music. Then mom thought I needed a night out so she offered to take Cayle for a couple hours. Needless to say I missed him and so did Adam. It was really quiet without him. We went to my favorite restaurant..Ichiban. Our chef was amazing. Then afterwards we went to see the new Nightmare on Elm Street. Adam and I jumped at everything. I love scary movies. It was a nice date. We dont get to see each other as often as we used to because he works soo much at his new job. And sometimes he tends to get a little cranky..which i can understand..but about a week ago we had a fight..one of the only ones we've ever had..and it upset me soo I called my friend ashley..and she basically told me..its adam or me. you decide. Ive already had to give up one friend because she hated adam and she was throwing a HUGE fit about us doing something as simple as talking on the phone. She was extremely possessive of me and I couldnt deal with it. But now..it looks like two of the people I thought were my friends will be history..Its not fair for her to make me choose between two people I love and care about. Couples fight. It makes you stronger if you can overcome it. It's not like adam and i fight constantly..Its always once in a blue moon. And we always put effort into fixing things and we're always better again. We don't resent each other at all. I think our portrait is a symbol of togetherness and strength. We are much much better now. I have a job opportunity at a movie theatre. I really hope it pulls through for me. Ill be soo happy. I think I would enjoy working there. I love movies and Ill be around more people my age. But whether or not they will understand my life is another story. Thats why Im so thankful for my friend christina. She understands completely. We went through pregnancy together. Labor together. And now we're experiencing motherhood together. Its a joy. Shes even put together a play group for moms and babies. I think it'll help me meet more people I have things in common with too. Christina has become one of my best friends. And i know she would never make me choose between two people i love like my friend is doing now. and another friend has done in the past. I believe that if you force me to make a decision thats going to hurt me with either choice you arent a real friend to begin with. I know i probably sound like a broken record..but I feel like what i have with adam is very real and could last a lifetime and beyond. And I cant throw that away. I dont intend to either. Cayle is growing so fast. He will be six months old the 3rd. Its crazy how fast hes grown and how much my love grows for him. and this year will be my first mothers day. how crazy.?!?! all in all i believe things are okay in my book. i guess we'll see what happens.
You are right. That is SUCH a cute pic! I am sorry about your friend. After I had Samantha it is like all my friends just disappeared. It's almost like they didn't understand.
ReplyDeleteAww Erica you are an amazing friend! You are right. I would never make you choose. You are one of my best friends too, and I wouldn't want to share this experience with anyone else. I am glad we have become so close :)
ReplyDeleteOh and that pic is amazingly good! You guys look so perfect!