Easter weekend was pretty great I must say. Saturday, I spent the day with Kay. We got lunch and starbucks and went to her house and colored Easter eggs. Cayle played outside and we gave him a bath. It was a pretty good day. I even had a home-made egg roll. She and her fiance Josh have that down to a science. They're delicious. But Kay has always been a good cook. I made funfetti cupcakes and Daddy taught me our family recipe for dressing. And I get to make it Thanksgiving :D. With his help of course...but I think I got it down. This morning Cayle opened his Easter basket. He was pretty excited. I may have gone a little overboard but hey I'm a mom. Cut me some slack. We did an Easter egg hunt after we ate breakfast, and he did soooo well. I was surprised he even knew what to do. He mostly wanted to hold the eggs but he knew to look for them. It amazes me how smart he is. After our hunt we had a huge dinner that consisted of all sorts of vegetables, and desserts, and ham. We always cook a ham every year. Its like a mini-thanksgiving at my house on Easter. I even got to show my dad the website I get all my craft ideas/recipes. He was really interested in it. He was really impressed with how much work went into the Easter eggs this year. I did it all for Cayle, I know he wont remember, but the time spent together doing the eggs is what's important to me. And when he's older he WILL remember and maybe carry it on some day. This is one of many holidays I intend to start our own traditions with. After dinner we went to Adam's house. They were having a family get together and wanted Cayle and I to be there. I brought everyone cupcakes. They had Cayle an Easter egg hunt too. :D You may be wondering about the fish in the picture..they were a gift from kay and josh. They're for Cayle, but they're staying at Adam's for now. They're names are bill and ted. Adam named them. Haha. It was really sweet of them to do that. He loves fish. He kept pointing to the tank and saying 'fishy' 'pretty' 'pretty fishy'. It was cute. They got cayle a toy car as his Easter prize. It was cute. He loves to play with cars now since he actually knows how to play with them. He even makes the sound of the engine lol. I even got Adam to take pictures with me. Lol he never wants to. He hates pictures. I would really like to get some photo frames and put some pictures up soon. It would be nice to have for the new house whenever we get one. My car is supposed to be getting fixed this week or next and I get to pay off my wedding dress this week. Whoo-hoo.! Finally. Well..that was my Easter weekend in a nutshell.
Grace will make the car engine sounds too. It's so cute! She likes it when I roll the cars up her tummy and make them kiss her. She thinks it is the funniest thing in the world :p
Grace will make the car engine sounds too. It's so cute! She likes it when I roll the cars up her tummy and make them kiss her. She thinks it is the funniest thing in the world :p