Sunday, May 1, 2011


I've had a good weekend. Today Kay and I finished ALL of her centerpieces and more for her wedding..and she's even offered to let us use whatever of her stuff we wanted for our wedding..which cuts down ALOT of the in a way.. I kind of completed a goal. I only burned myself one time.! We were in a hotel for most of the weekend due to the storms..we lost power for 48 hours and I wouldn't have been able to feed cayle, or bathe him, or much else without power. I am so thankful that we only lost groceries..and things like that can be replaced..but loved ones, homes, and things of that nature are much harder to heart goes out to the ones who lost their lives, loved ones, homes, etc.. But it is so nice to see that there are people willing to help out and try to get the towns in living condition again. I would like to donate some clothes and baby clothes to the families who lost so much. I only wish I could do more. Saturday night, Adam and I made pizzas and cookies. We finally worked on our guest list.! We are estimating 75-90 people..being that this list is only a rough draft. Oh and this is an FYI for all who are invited..this is invitation only. So when you come please bring your invitation when the time comes..I'll let everyone know again..but this is for safety reasons mostly..we're kinda worried about some idiots showing up that most definitely don't have a place there..and I hate for this to sound snobby..because that's not the purpose at all.!! We just really don't want people showing Adam's biological mother or my ex or anyone in his crazy family. The wedding is still gonna be normal..except with that little feature. Hahah. Cayle is getting his first haircut this week. My instructor said she would cut it. It would be a good opportunity for the other students to learn what to do when you have a baby client..I think I'm gonna cry when she cuts his hair...but it really is starting to look unkept..and I don't want people thinking I'm a bad mom or something. But hey, what can you do.? Christina was telling me about how she got tons of good deals at the thrift store on baby clothes..sounds like where I need to go. Considering I have so many projects going on that all require money. I finally got us a craft box.! And it has grooves in it to where it can stack on top of another. And I'm out of room and still have supplies that need storing. I want your opinion on something..Adam and I are planning on moving in together at the start of next year and here we are almost 6 months away from that..does a stock pile (mini stock pile that is) of house hold items used often like paper towels, toilet paper, paper plates, garbage bags, napkins, cleaning products, and hand soaps sound like a good idea.? I think it is but Adam seems to think otherwise. I thought it was a money saving idea. Moderation is key of course, and a lot of my goals are requiring moderation and money saving benefits. I'm also starting my Christmas shopping soon. I know thats probably a little crazy..but why buy it all at once.? Why not buy a little at a time so I can actually ENJOY my favorite time of year.? And possibly splurge on Christmas ornaments and decor.?? Exactly..of course I can never give up my Black Friday ninja-ness. So I'll get whatever I can for the house or extra gifts. Cause when you think about it..6-7 months isn't really a lot of time to get everything done..especially with my scehdule. And money.


  1. I think stock piling is a good idea. You could have a good bit of stuff after 6 months. And I think the Christmas stuff now is a good idea. I think I am going to do that.. We are planning on giving the family memebers family pictures of us, so I could start getting the frames for them now. And things for stocking stuffers, things like that.

  2. I told you thrift stores were awesome! That and yardsales. I get Samantha's stuff CHEAP, and it is always in great condition. Donating clothes sounds good. The YMCA is asking for clothes, food, baby items, toiletries, anything of that nature. You can just take it in there and drop it off.
