Tuesday, May 10, 2011

There's a good day in the making.

So today wasn't too bad. At school I had a client and she asked for her hair to be in rollers. So I rolled it..and she LOVED it. She tipped me two dollars and I put it in Cayle's new piggy bank I got him last week. I gave him all my change too so its about half way full..I dunno what the money is for..but I figured it would be good to have. And I have an update on my car...it wasn't one BIG problem..it was a bunch of little problems..but to have everything fixed from brake pads to a new battery..it's..604.00. I know it's a lot but EVERYTHING is getting fixed. And I'm thrilled. This has weighed heavily on my brain for months now. The best part is..I get my car back tomorrow.!! Ahhh.!! I'm so so so happy. Now I can get out and go if I want to. And not be stuck at home alone all day long. And I have no school tomorrow which is pretty sweet. Tomorrow is gonna be a good day.


  1. Grace's piggy bank is almost full because we have been putting spaare change in it since she was born. I have no idea what it's for either lol, but it's all hers.
    We just found out my car has two broken motor mounts :( It's going to cost anywhere from $200-$500 to get it fixed. Luckily I can still drive it though. I found out I am getting some school money for the summer, so we are waiting for that to come in.

  2. That is awesome! I bet you feel free now! Eh...$604.00. That sucks. :( I am not looking forward to our car breaking down. That's for sure. We have never had a problem from it, but I assume it's getting about that time. We have had it over a year and it is 7 years old.
    We give Samantha all of our 1s and change too. But her piggy bank is only about a quarter of the way full because it is almost as big as she is. lol.
