Monday, May 2, 2011

What an absolutely HORRIBLE evening.. it is..I need to rant and rave so I can get it all out of my system and leave it at may be little stuff..but little things are like paper cuts..and they hurt the most..right.? Today at school I was eating my lunch..and the owner's wife Kristy was in the break room talking to our junior instructor Cindi about the devastation that has hit several cities. She asked me if we got hit and I told her "No, we were very fortunate and only lost power for a few days, and only had one tree limb in our yard." The conversation got into how we should do something as a school to try and help And I suggested a money donation or a canned goods drive..and she just snubbed it off like I had suggested we rebuild the entire town or something..and then suggested we wash victims hair free of charge...are you kidding me.??? These people have lost EVERYTHING including their cars and other means of transportation. How in the world are they supposed to get to the school in the first place.?? At least my idea was a bit more practical. The canned goods and money could go to something a bit more important than a hair wash. Granted, I'm sure these people would love a hot shower, but it just doesn't seem like they could come to us for it. However, I'm not gonna let it stop me from helping. I'm going to go through my old clothes and donate them and some cases of water or something. Anything I can do, because I could have easily been in their shoes. I could have lost loved ones or anything and everything I own..and it's made me realize how truly blessed I am to have a comfortable home, family, a few good friends, and the opportunities I do. Because it can all be taken away in the blink of an eye. But the point I'm trying to make is that I'm so SICK of people at school just blowing me's been going on for months and months and I've noticed it more and about 90% of the time I'm sitting alone at school..and it's really getting to me. And when the owner's wife does it to pushed me over the edge. So I went outside and sat. Absolutely frustrated..not only that frustrating me..but Adam is thinking about moving in with two people from work..and considering how his last roommate situation turned out..I told him straight up that I thought it was a bad idea..and obviously he didn't wanna hear it blah blah that stressed me out..and the tears started coming..and I'm not even sure why. It wasn't a big deal..but it was embarrassing to cry at school. So I went and sat in my car until my face cleared up..then I went back outside and sat and I wanted to sit back against the door, and when I went to scoot over to the door...the palm of my hand went straight on a cigarette cherry. For those of you who have never heard that term..its the hot center of the cigarette that keeps it I was in extreme first I thought it was glass..but I was way off. Now I have a welp on my hand from where it burned that sucked. And it still hurts. My ipod quit on me the other night..and I lost almost 200 dollars in won't even hold a charge..It's frozen on the apple sceen..and I've tried everything I know to luck..Thankfully has the iPad and the iPod touch..and he gave me his iPod touch considering he never uses it and the iPad has more memory..and I'm thankful. I hate the radio more than anything..its a big pet peeve..but hey, if mean people, a welp, and a busted iPod is all I have to complain about..I guess I'm doing ok..I guess I just needed to vent. I feel a little better already. I just try to keep in mind how blessed I am..and that's enough to make me feel better..

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