Cayle started saying 'dada dada dada' whenever adam held him at church yesterday. Everyone could here it clear as day. Cayle made sure adam and i didnt go too far whenever his mom or sister held him. whenever i was around he would say 'dada' and look for adam. adam is the only dad cayle has ever known. the way he was with cayle at church. holding him. kissing him. playing with him. i dont know what it was about it..but it made me fall in love with adam a little more. it takes a big man to love a child that isnt his like his own. and the thought of that alone gives me butterflies. adam has been good to cayle..and me. we're talking more about later when we get our place together. how hes ready for it. im ready for it too. it'll be nice to be our own family..having meals together..holidays..movie time for just the two of us after cayle goes to bed. its amazing how happy i am. his family has told me that cayle and i fit in well. they txt me just to say hi. and to ask how cayle is. its cool how i feel like i belong. his mom is already calling cayle her grandbaby. his whole family is already calling me an in law. its soon..but i dont care. it feels like it should. his aunt was telling me yesterday..about how adam talks about cayle and me all the time. he told her he wants to spoil me..keep me happy. and how he feels like im 'the one'. i feel in my heart like he's 'the one'. i dont think i could be happier. i cant ask for more. ive got it all. a wonderful family. a beautiful son. my friends who do understand what its like to be in my shoes. [[not that my shoes are a bad place to be.]] and adam. i feel like i've left the dark age in my life..now i get to live in the light. 2009 wasn't my year. [[with the execption of cayle's birth.]] but i feel like 2010 is my year. 2011 will be better. by next summer ill have my place with adam and cayle and my dream career. im excited. things cant get better. ive got it all.
It sounds lovely. Enjoy it. Also, your son is adorable.