I feel like it's time for me to have a firmer hand with my parents..when it comes down to what I need. And what Cayle needs. I feel like its time that they treat me like the adult I am instead of the immature 12 year old they see me as. I know I'm a great mother. I know in my heart that I've never denied Cayle of anything he needs and for most of the stuff he wants. I've never ever put my needs before his. I've been a great mom from the start. He may not have every toy he wants..but he has my love, and Adam's love. We're a family. And both Adam and I are trying to better our lives now to makes sure we're set for our future as a family. Adam's picking up a second job and working towards getting his g.e.d. I'm in college to get a good job that makes a lot of money and security is good too. I've decided to ask my cousin for help by letting her watch Cayle a couple days a week so I can go into school earlier. So I can get out sooner. Into a salon sooner. Into my own home sooner. With Cayle. With Adam. I can show my parents that I can do it on my own. That I don't need their help. Whether my mother likes it or not, I am letting my cousin watch Cayle so I can get through school as quickly as possible. Im gonna ACE all my cosmetology tests to show that I'm a great student. I'm gonna use the tips I make at school to buy more things for Cayle. And my future apartment so my family won't say "Oh you bought a place but you barely have anything to put in it.?" "What if Cayle needs something and you don't have it.?" I've made a list. I've gotten a few things on it. Slowly, but surely I'll get there. I take care of Cayle every day. (well, duh) But at the same time, I'm leaving nothing behind for my mother to complain about. He gets his baths daily. He gets laundry and sheets washed and rotated weekly. I keep our room very clean so he won't find something to get into that'll hurt him. I do everything for him but I go above and beyond to show my mother that I don't need her help with him. That Cayle is MY responsibility and I don't need help when it isn't asked for. I want to show her that I am an adult and I act like the adult I am. And whether she likes it or not I am going to make decisions for myself and my child whether she agrees with them or not. And for the first decision I'm making for MYSELF is that I'm going to pierce my nose. Nothing real gawky. A tiny silver stud to represent my independence and my assertiveness to make my own decisions. I suppose you could consider my decision for Cayle is to move into our own place and to be our own family. But in all honesty..I'm tired of being ran over everyday, put down, and stepped on by my own family. So..the point is i need to stand up for myself..here goes nothing. wish me luck. oh, and by the way..i lost my party place so i need a new party place for cayle any suggestions or places you know of would be great. also, if you like the collage I made for this post send me some pictures and I will make you one. ( you can send up to four pictures for one collage. but if you want more than one send me four for each collage.)
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