Monday, May 30, 2011

Random facts about Me :)

Me as a mommy.

* I feel as if craft time is important for bonding and unleashing a child's creativity.

* Play time is the best before I leave for school.

* I love when Cayle rushes to greet me when I come home.

* I believe mostly in positive reinforcement (thanks to christina.!)

* I learn Cayle's favorite songs and sing them for him.

* I wish we had more bonding time.

* I feel like I'll never have enough pictures of him.

* I strongly believe in family bond and tradition. I have a list prepared of some I'd like to start.!

* I always put princess and the frog on for him at night. He loves it. I don't see why not.

* I have the perfect place picked out to store Christmas gifts. :)

* I've been more open to trying new things because of Cayle. An example..I tried feeding ducks at the park even though I was scared..and I still am and so is he.!

* I love bath time with Cayle. He's so fun to watch.

* I believe every baby should have a rubber duck.

* A story a night is a must.

* Being with Cayle makes me feel like a child myself.

* Hide and seek is our favorite game.

* I strive to be the best mommy I can be.

* I keep Cayle's handprint crafts with me in my notebook at school.

* I cry with my baby when he gets hurt.

* I always like to reward Cayle for good behavior after a doctors visit.

* I try to include him in everything. He 'brushes' my hair. And helps me put toys away. And 'cooks' with me.

* Every day at 2 p.m. it's the wiggles time.! Cayle cannot be disturbed.

* I always keep chicken noodle soup around...and animal cookies.

* There truly is NOTHING like a mother's love.

Me as My Own Person

* I love purple.

* I love acoustic music. Mayday Parade has my heart in that area.

* I'd love to learn how to play piano.

* I 110% agree with the quote "A girl should be two things. Classy and Fabulous." And I long to feel like I've acheived both.

* I need a self esteem booster for when I'm at school.

* I like to prepare and be prepared.

* Coffee and tea make me feel better.

* I never wear my hair curly.

* I like to paint my toes and nails after a long hard day.

* Scrapbooking is a must. I love having pictures and frames.

* As dumb as it sounds, Walmart is a happy place for me.

* From Halloween to Christmas is my favorite time of year.

* I love reality shows..teen mom..16 and pregnant..I survived.

* I would love to open/work at a cupcake shop as an extra job.

* Horror movies are the best.

* I am and always will be a Disney Princess at heart.

* I've always wanted a puppy I could put sweaters on.

* I have my color schemes and appliances picked out for my first home.

* I want to be WAY more girly. And thats a BIG fact here.

Me as a fiance and future wife.

* I want to be home to cook dinner for my family every night.

* I still love when we cuddle.

* I'll always remember the day of our first kiss. New years eve midnight.

* We can never have enough pictures.

* I always want to help any way I can.

* My dream wedding is purple. Lol.

* I will always pull my weight..sometimes I slack..but we get back on track.

* I've never been so in love. And that's the God honest truth.

* The first thing that attracted me to Adam..he made me laugh..when I didn't even think smiling was possible at the time.

* I get chills when he kisses my forehead.

* He still tells me I'm *beautiful.*

* Adam is the only person I can sleep in a bed with and not have to get mad at..he holds me and won't hog the sheets.! And he knows my pillows are my pillows lol.

* Adam is left handed..I am right handed..and when we eat side by side..we don't bump elbows..I'm the only person he doesn't have to worry about that with.

* There are still spontanious suprises.

* January 26, 2010...October 2, 2010...two of the best days of my life.

* He hasn't seen my dress.

* We pinky promise. <3

* We wrestle for fun.

* I'm even willing to try to get into his video games with him so we can bond.

* We want two puppies. I want a boston terrier. He wants a pitbull mix. Or a lab. Guard dog purposes.

* I can decorate however I want...but the 'man cave' is all his. I'm not decorating that lol.

* Our trip to atlanta this summer is our first road trip together without anyone else.

* I feel like my new last name fits so well in both mine and cayle's names. Erica Lingle. Bailian 'Cayle' Lingle.

Well...thats me in a nutshell.

Memorial Day.

Today was nice. This morning I went to Walmart and got Adam's grandmother a belated birthday card. She was in Florida last week on her actual birthday and I didn't get a chance to get her one. And I got a pair of Capri pants. After Walmart Cayle had a nap. Later in the day we went to Adam's house for his family's Memorial Day cookout. They made one of my favorites...zuccinni.! I love it. We all sat around and talked and it was just a relaxing atsomphere.
Daddy taught me a little more about cooking today. This time he taught me how to prepare dry rub rib racks. I must stomach is weak when it comes to raw meat. But I did help season them. He taught me how to cut them and where. I know when I move out I'll have to know how to do this for my family's dinners. And it's good I'm learning from Daddy. He could've gone to culinary school if he wanted to. Ask him pretty much anything about cooking and he knows the answer about 99% of the time.
After the cook out today I came home and my brother Zac and his wife Amy were leaving. They had to get home. We said our goodbyes. They'll see the rest of my family in a few weeks. They're joining them on their vacation. Adam and I are talking about extending our vacation. Just one extra night in a hotel. I know I've been talking about this trip a lot but I'm really excited. I even went and looked at the travel stuff in Walmart today..they had so much I needed and most if not all of it was .99 cents. There were mini tubes of tooth paste, mouth wash, soap case, tooth brush case, and even a mini first aid kit for .97 cents. I wanna get clinical strength deodorant..think about it. 100 degrees or so outside..for hours. Yeah. Enough said. But here within the next couple weeks I wanna go back and get some of that stuff. I found a pair of pajamas I liked too. On sale. A top and pants for 7.00. Bargain.!!!!

I'm really planning out my scrapbook for Cayle. I think I wanna combine years birth to age one with age one to two. so basically 0-2. I have so many good pictures of him and it just makes more sense in MY mind lol. Then I would do age 2-3 and so on..until I just can't do it anymore. I have pamphlets and tickets and alot of stuff saved from the stuff we've done. And I have A LOT of scrapbook stickers so hey it works out. :D I have colored cardstock pages too. So I can keep adding this year's stuff with last year and make it really great. I'll show you soon.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

I am so thankful.

Daddy really does spoil me rotten. It's not often we get to spend time together but when we get to I love it. Earlier this week, Daddy was sitting on the couch with me and he said "You know what.? Mom and Garrett (my brother) got new shoes and we haven't. Why don't we go get us some new shoes this weekend.?" I got a pair of sandals for school. Very trendy right now. They're gladiator sandals. And I got a pair of black and pink new balance shoes for walking. They are soooo comfy. And really cute which is weird because normally I hate tennis shoes. Daddy even gave me 60 dollars for some new tops. I don't know where I should go, but they need to be...hairstylist-y. LOL. I like my word. Cayle got his very first hair cut today. I saved some of his hair in a ziploc bag and put it in his baby book. So that's another thing crossed off my list. There was maybe about half an inch to an inch in some places. It's curlier than ever. Its still long, but it looks kept. Which is great. I teared up a little, but he did really well. No crying. Just curiosity.I posted before and after. The side of his head is the after picture. So not too much hair was gone. After his hair cut, we went to visit Adam and his family. I brought his grandparents some bbq and chicken and stuff from our cookout. They enjoyed it. Tomorrow they have their cook out and I get to visit with everyone. My cook out went kinda okay kinda not. Daddy had some people from work over..and they simply have no respect or common sense. This one guy ticked me off. I had Cayle down at our pool splashing on the steps and Daddy and this guy (I don't remember his name..I think it's Doug.) were sitting at the table by the pool talking..and Doug was cussing kinda loud around Cayle. "This guy down at the hall won't do his d-mn job. His work is sh-tty" Etc. Etc. Cayle is three feet away. Not only that he's smoking a cigar around Cayle. It smells awful for one and two baby's lungs DO NOT need exposure like that. Don't get me wrong, people can smoke if they want to, I have no right to say you can or can't, but please have the common courtesy to not do it around my child..and when he starts coughing be kind enough to move. But Doug did not catch on and continued to curse in conversation and puff away on that thing. So I got Cayle and took him inside. And what do you know.? Doug comes in minutes later to use the restroom..and leaves the seat up. I'm sorry, pet peeve, but not only is that nasty..but it's bad manners. I told my mom I was offended. She said I should just let it go. She brushed it off like it was nothing. I told Dad about it today while we were out, and he was kind enough to listen and understand where I was coming from. Today while I was out I also managed to find 2 bottles of shatter nail polish. I got baby blue and white. It's pretty cool. They now have red shatter so I'll be hunting for that before too long. Adam is moving out on Wednesday. Into a place with some friends from work. Its a town home and rent split..he will pay 230 a month. That's not too bad, but bills add up. He said I can stay with him when my parents leave for vacation. I hate being alone in this house. I get scared easily. I'll still wake up alone, but I'll just go on to school and to run my errands. We are going to six flags July 6th. That's a Wednesday. We'll leave Tuesday night and grab a hotel room, and hit the park the next day. I conjured up a list of things that would be useful to have on this trip. Granted, we'll be gone only one night, but I like to prepare and be prepared. The list looks a bit like this

-bottled waters
-band aids & first aid items (you never know)
-beach towels
-sun screen spf 100 :)
-mini cooler
-non perishable snacks (debbie cakes, crackers, etc..)
-extra clothes
-gps system & charger (daddy has one I can borrow)
-extra money and I.D.'s.
-cell phone chargers
-camera & charger
-hand sanitizer
-some source of entertainment for hotel.

Am I forgetting anything.? It would be better if I wrote it down. I probably will once I get a chance. I would like a new pair of pajamas or two for staying at Adam's and the trip. I don't have any cute ones lol. I'll go to walmart. They're cheap and cute. It really helped me out that Daddy took me shoe shopping today. I won't have to struggle to get a pair. I'm very thankful to have a Daddy who does these things for me. I enjoy taking a step back and seeing how blessed I am. Remember my list of goals.? Here is the revised verison. Goals with dashes (-) beside them have been completed. Goals with stars (*) are in the process.

-cayle's 1st hair cut.
*graduation from beauty school.
*re-do the scrapbooks.
*get pictures for the scrapbooks.
our family portrait.
*plan the wedding.
*lose weight for both my and kay's wedding.
a trip to coolidge park for the three of us.
-a mother and son's day out downtown.
eventually get a new car.
*buy for our first house.
*buy for the wedding.
*help adam start his new store/cyber cafe.
*learn to cook
*start christmas shopping and have it done by black friday.

the new list with goals in process looks like this.

*graduation from beauty school.
*re-do the scrapbooks.
*get pictures for the scrapbooks.
*plan the wedding.
*lose weight for both my and kay's wedding.
*buy for our first house.
*buy for the wedding.
*help adam start his new store/cyber cafe.
*learn to cook
*start christmas shopping and have it done by black friday.

As you can see, I'm still pretty busy, but it's a good busy and it keeps me going. I need to add 'save for six flags trip' on there. I have about 60 some odd dollars saved up. I'm almost there. I need 150. I'm almost half way. I'm pretty excited. Things are good.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

I never realized how afraid I was of...

Crossing bridges, home invasions, and being stalked.

When Kay, Josh, Cayle, and I had our funny car adventure downtown we had to cross over the market street bride..and this bridge has some metal plates in it that you can see through. I always get a huge lump in my throat whenever I have to go over ANY bridge..and I didnt notice this until very recently..I didn't even realize I was afraid of it.

Last night I got so paranoid for some reason. I started watching this show called ' I Survived' and it has me soo paranoid. I watched a story about this woman last night who was raped, robbed, bashed in the skull with a hammer, and cut with a butcher's ax. And survived. The man who did this to her..said he had been in the house for 2 days..listening..and he KNEW she would be alone the day he attacked her. I was up till 5 just listening to my house. It really scared me to really think about how many sick people there are in this world. And how I pray that Cayle never has to endure something like that..or anyone I love has to endure it. They managed to catch the guy and he is serving two life times plus thirty years in prison.

Do you ever have the feeling your being watched.? I get it a lot..and it always makes me wonder. I'm paranoid to answer private calls and to walk to my car alone at night. The last time that private caller called me was about a week and a half ago and when I answered it sounded like my crazy ex. be honest..I fear he would set my house on fire or rip the brakes out of my car. I may be paranoid..but I'm scared to death I will wake up to find Cayle gone or go to check on him in the middle of the night and he be standing over his crib. That's another reason I'm more than ready to move out. He'll never find us. I'm terrified of him coming back..or stalking me from a distance. Paranoid.? Maybe.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

I feel accomplished today.

Mom was sick I helped her by cleaning the entire house. I scrubbed the kitchen down, cleaned the bathrooms, did some laundry, vacuumed, took care of her, took care of Cayle. It was a long day. But we're having company this weekend. My brother and sister-in-law are coming into town from Orlando. I haven't seen them since January on the trip to Gatlinburg. I got my ring back the other day and I have almost 70 dollars for our trip to six flags. And I have to get to 150. Adam is moving in with some friends from work. Its closer to his work place and closer to me. Its a 2bedroom town home. It's really nice from the pictures. Tomorrow, I'm going to help him pick some stuff out that he needs for his apartment. And he wants us to spend a lot of time together this weekend. We spent some alone time together Wednesday night. It was nice just to cuddle and relax. Cayle has been attached to my hip lately. Usually he's pretty independent but he just cries and cries when I have to leave for school. It breaks my heart. That's another reason I cant wait to be out of school. I can come home and be with him at night.

Monday, May 23, 2011

My Rant for the evening.

The Galen OBGYN center is nothing but a bunch of idiots who have no idea what in the world they are doing. Today, I called and asked for them to call in another pack of birth control pills because I'm out and my appointment isn't for another 2 weeks. So I called around one, I spoke to a nurse, gave her the pharmacy's info, and assumed it would be filled. But no. I call tonight while I'm at school to see if my pills were ready for pick up..and the pharmacist said that she never received an order for them to be filled. Are you kidding me.?? This happens EVERY time I go to the ob. When I went for my first pregnancy check up they screwed up my blood work and I had to give blood again..and anyone who knows me knows I cant stand needles. They mess up my urine tests. They either lose them or screw up the tests. They've even managed to mess up a PAP by not getting enough cells from my cervix so I have to go in and do it all over again. They never fill my prescriptions on time. And it's nothing but a pain in my butt to go. I hate it. So therefor, I have decided to switch OBGYNs. I am beyond furious with these people and they have lost my money and me as a patient. And I will be sure to spread the word that the place sucks and to not go there. I hate doctors. And I hate going. This is the last straw for me. I wish people knew how to do their job. And do it right the first time. I am talking to the head honcho tomorrow and after this next appointment I will be switching to Dr. Katie Garrett.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

What a fabulous weekend.!!

It all started Thursday night at midnight. Well, technichally Friday. I went to see the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie.!! It was great. Personally, I wasn't expecting much since most of the original cast isn't in this one, but I was seriously impressed. At the theater there was an actor there who looked like Captain Jack Sparrow.!! I even got a picture with him. He looked, acted, and even sounded like him. It kinda had me wondering. Friday (that day) Cayle and I spent the day with Adam. It was fun. We watched movies and played outside some. was girls..& baby's day out. I went with Kay to david's bridal to pick out the other brides maid's dresses. They were so pretty. They will be in teal and I will be in brown. She wanted my dress to be different from theirs since I'm her maid of honor. She gave me my gift for being her brides maid. Its a black clutch that has maid of honor in rhinestones and some cuccumber melon body spray and lotion. Oh and pink fuzzy socks. :D I loved it. I try to keep a lot of that stuff around so I always smell pretty. :) After david's bridal, we went to Dick's sporting goods store to find her fiance, Josh, a birthday gift. He likes to hunt so she got him so hunting calls. Afterwards we got hungry so we went to Steak and Shake. Cayle was SO good in both the bridal shop and steak and shake. I was so proud of him. So after steak and shake we went to her house and tried a couple things with her hair. And I think we know what we wanna do with it. She got a new puppy last weekend and Cayle thought she was a kitty. It was so cute. After a little while, Josh, Kay, Cayle, and I decided to go play in the fountains at Coolidge Park. Cayle had a BLAST. I would like to take him back on a week day when it's just us. We hardly ever get to do things just the two of us. After we had our fun in the fountains Josh decided he wanted to rent a 'funny car.' He had always wanted to do what better time.? We checked to make sure it was safe to have Cayle in one, and they all said it was. And we cruised around Chattanooga. I definitely have an appreciation for the downtown scenery, but I still don't love living here. There's hardly anything to do. And I feel like it doesn't have much to offer me. And I've felt this way for years. ANYWAYS, we cruised around Chattanooga for about an hour. I saw places I didn't even know we had here. I would HATE to be in one of those things when Riverbend comes around. I'm not a big crowd person. They make me nervous. And it's even hotter with all those people scrunched into one place. However, Black Friday is the only crowd I can be okay in. I'm on a mission and completely focused on it. Sunday has been my lazy day. Cayle and I didn't do much. I gave Daddy a hair cut and he payed me 20 bucks.!! Which is good because I won't have to spend a lot on gas this week. And I can buy other things that are on my scrapbook accesories or house stuff..or christmas gifts..thats the plan. Oh, and by the check engine light came back on in my car..I spy a dead mechanic. That's for sure. All in all, a good weekend in my book.
Adam and I have been talking, and we really need some alone time together. More alone time that is. We hardly get a night to ourselves..and I think two nights out of the month and maybe one weekend we need to have some us time. Whatever day I miss during the week I will go in Friday morning and make it up. And I get more hours on Fridays anyway. So it evens out. I am so excited for our trip to Six Flags. I dunno how well I'll do in the heat, but I'm gonna give it my all and cover myself in spf 100 sun block. :) Any ideas on what to take on the trip.? I need to find a good pair of walking shoes too. Crap. There goes a pretty penny.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A happy/sad day.

My junior instructor and I have been getting pretty close at school. She's taught me a lot and we have a lot in common..and tonight was her last night there. She's off to get her teaching license now. I am so proud and happy for her for finishing. I hope she comes back to school for a full time teaching position. She actually made school bearable. HAHA. I got paid for cleaning house tonight. Which means I have my 25 dollars for the week for our six flags trip. That kinda puts the pressure on not to spend it. And to make sure when it starts to add up not to dip into it for something NOT six flags related. I think I should just take it off my card and keep it here somewhere so I wont spend it by mistake. I made a list of all the things Adam and I would need for our first home..and that list is about four pages long..I have it organized by rooms..and it seems like the kitchen will be the most expensive to to the living room. I can't think of much that cayle needs for his room..Any suggestions.? He has his clothes and I'll probably get him a toddler bed before too much longer. And his toys..we have a toy box..the only thing I can think of is a small tv to go in his room so he can watch movies before bed. I don't know about that one either..I wanna try to get most of our stuff from Walmart. It's cheap. I've been pricing things..and so far..dollar tree and walmart are the two cheapest places. I know we'll get a lot of this stuff when we register for wedding gifts..but I know we won't get everything. And I just wanna be prepared. Oh..and an update..I let cayle feed himself this morning..and he did so well.!! I made eggs..gave him some toast and let him go at it..and the best part...NO MESS.!!!! I was so surprised. I'm so proud of him. Maybe tomorrow we'll try oatmeal. He has been throwing a lot of temper tantrums lately..any ideas on how to break him from it.?

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Update on everything.

Well..I got my car back today, and it runs like a BEAST. The mechanic said it was plug wires that were making the car shake..are you kidding.? All that for some freaking wires.? On the plus side..after driving it wasn't shaking. Which is good. I don't have any lights on in my car. And the only things I need now are gas and a wash. After I drive it around for a few days I need to take it through emissions. That test is so pointless. But it's the only way I can get new tags.
So Adam and I are planning our first road trip together. Since my parents will have Cayle with them on their vacation so I can go to school, Adam and I decided to have a little vacation of our own. We are planning a trip to Six Flags over Georgia. We would go down the night before and stay in a hotel and wake up early the next morning and hit the park. I would pull 12 hour days at school so it would work out. We have to save 25 dollars a week in order to have enough money to go. And getting paid 75 dollars a week for cleaning..I SHOULD be able to pull it off. I really hope we can make this trip a reality. It will be nice to have a little getaway. And to have some quality time with Adam. We've stayed the night together before, but its been almost a year. WOW. I think we can do it though. I would like to have a yard sale sometime soon and get rid of a bunch of stuff I don't need or wear or use. That could help too.
Daddy is teaching me to cook. The other night I helped make dinner. I made grilled zucchini, mashed potatoes and chicken, oh,and yeast rolls. And it all turned out pretty good. The mashed potatoes could have used a little more salt but other than that it was all pretty good. I need to learn to cook more foods because Cayle is becoming tired of what I have been feeding him and he doesn't wanna eat. And he likes to feed himself so feeding him is a bit of a fight. Maybe I can try eggs tomorrow or something. I try to let him do it himself so he can learn, but he has some difficulty with his little kiddy fork and spoon. Practice makes perfect I suppose. It'll get better. Does anyone have recipes to share.?

Sunday, May 15, 2011

More car and project news..

Well..the car still isn't working..I got it back yesterday after they replaced the converter..and it's still shaking..Dad is furious..Mom is too..and so am I. I just want my car fixed. Is that too much to ask.? 1,000 dollars later and it still isn't where it needs to be. That is way toomuch money to be put into repairs and it still not run correctly. Sharing a car with mom isn't exactly easy when she drives a gas guzzling chevy tahoe. With all the money going to repairs..I haven't been getting paid. And it's been hard to see Adam. It just sucks.. Anyways..I got some house stuff..not much..but definitely needed. I got a cd and dvd tower for 1.00 a piece. Mom found them at a flea market and brought them home to me..and I would like to get a couple more if I can find them. I filled the dvd one up completely with disney movies lol. And I still have movies left over. And the cd one is about 3/4 of the way filled. I got some cardstock for scrapbooks. It's all different colors. And I got some scrapbook stickers. They're pretty cool. I'm trying to get a few for every different holiday and cookouts and pool fun. And walgreens will print off my photos for .15 cents a piece which isn't bad at all.! I started a list of house stuff I could get right now. stuff I can get right now..And it's growing. But I know I can do it..and when Adam sees how much it benefits us when we move in..I know he'll be happy about it. I never realized how much I could stock up on. I haven't had a chance to try any new recipes..but I'm thinking of attempting a pasta dish called ziti. I'll post pictures when I can. Yesterday..I was able to take the capris back and get a cash refund and I found four new tops.!! And guess what.?? One was free.!! And they all make me feel like the hairstylist I wanna be...if that makes any sense. Last night was really scary..As I may or may not have said on here..I've been getting private calls around the same time almost every night since the tornado tragedies. . And the very first time they called I answered, but I couldn't hear them very well. But I did say DO NOT call this number again. And yet they continued..I even let dad answer the phone and they continued to call...well anyways...they called again last night..and this time I answered because to be honest..this little joke..I am far beyond tired of..And when I answered they said "erica.? hey baby what are you doing.?" And I know it wasn't Adam he was on the other line. But the scary sounded just like my ex..Cayle's sperm donor..the one who dropped off the face of the Earth after we split..I haven't spoken to him since Adam and I got together.. I said. "I don't know who the F--K this is but DO NOT call me again." And I hung up. I don't like to say much about this because it's old news..but he really scares me because..he's literally crazy. And I am so paranoid he's watching me or driving by my house when I'm the only one home or something..I was up until almost four this morning I was so freaked out. I don't know for sure if it was him or not that called me..but they certainly know who I am. And that's the scary part. And the voice sure sounded like him. I told dad..and the only thing he said was to 'keep an eye' on it..and mom completely brushed it off. I would like to get a thing of pepper spray from Academy sports to keep on me. I hope I never have to use it..but in the event of needing some type of defense I would like to have it. If I can..I would like to change my number too. And this time..about 7-10 people will have it. I am NOT going through this again. I'll make sure that everyone who has my number understands not to give it to anyone else. What I would like to know is how did he get it in the first place...because I was pretty exclusive with this number..I dunno. Like I said..I don't even know if it was him or not. I'm about 60% sure it was him. Who else would call me harrassingly and from a blocked number.?? This is exactly why my wedding is invitation only. To keep creepers out. Ehh. Opinions please.?

Friday, May 13, 2011

I am extremely upset right now.

Guess who didn't get her car back today.? Guess who got back stabbed by the freaking mechanic.?? Guess who has to spend another 275 dollars repairing her car.??? You got it. My car has been in and out of the mechanic for the past week..And the mechanic identified the problem being the catalytic converter. He said there was one on an old Volvo at his shop he would give us and put on for 65 dollars. It's illegal to sell a used one. I'm not sure why..but go figure it would be the one car part I need that's illegal to get used. ANYWAY..he promised us yesterday that it would be ready today...well..guess what. It wasn't. That old Volvo didn't even HAVE the converter in it. Somebody had cut it out. So that guy was lying all day about it being ready.. So..we had to send it to another mechanic..get a brand new converter put on it..and you know how much it'll be after taxes...about 275..Let's do the math here...700+275. That's about 1,000 dollars in car repair, towing, and tax. That doesn't include running the car through emissions to get my tags renewed which will be another...40 dollars..oh and I need new windshield wipers..and a tail light..and gas and probably another car wash considering it stormed all day today. I am flaming mad about all this.. I just want this car fixed..and when I get the chance...I'm selling it. Without a second thought. I hate it. I hate how freaking expensive it is for repairs and services. I will never ever ever ever get another Volvo. Even if my life depended on it..I am going after my dream car when I get the chance..a glossy black or white or silver dodge charger. Everyone keeps telling me 'you'll NEVER own a car like that' And for all of those nay sayers...I have something to say. "Watch me." I am a very driven person and I WILL own that car. An elite hair stylist needs an elite car..that's just how it goes..I know you're probably thinking who said that.? Well think of it this way...hairstylists would be hypocrites in a way if they were making people look their best when they didn't. Their job pretty much goes off how you look. I dunno..this is just my philosophy. If you're going for top dog you gotta look the part. And part of that is having an awesome car to back you up...Does that make sense.? Speaking of goals...I have a revised list. All the goals that have dashes beside them have been completed. And the ones with a star are in the process of being marked off.

-decorative cupcakes.
cayle's 1st hair cut.
-cayle's new summer clothes.
graduation from beauty school.
re-do the scrapbooks.
get pictures for the scrapbooks.
our family portrait.
*plan the wedding.
*lose weight for both my and kay's wedding.
a trip to coolidge park for the three of us.
a mother and son's day out downtown.
-get my car fixed.
eventually get a new car.
buy for our first house.
-find my camera charger and take updated photos of us.
-show of my skills in the hair industry.
-find a good hair stylist job.
*buy for the wedding.
-eventually build a demand for both my hair services and cupcakes.
help adam start his new store/cyber cafe.
-clean up my car and keep it that way.

soo the revised list looks a bit like this..with a few added.

cayle's 1st hair cut.
graduation from beauty school.
*re-do the scrapbooks.
get pictures for the scrapbooks.
our family portrait.
*plan the wedding.
*lose weight for both my and kay's wedding.
a trip to coolidge park for the three of us.
a mother and son's day out downtown.
eventually get a new car.
buy for our first house.
*buy for the wedding.
help adam start his new store/cyber cafe.
*learn to cook
*start christmas shopping and have it done by black friday.

is it me...or does that list look shorter.? Like I said before..scrapbooks and house stuff and christmas gifts are next on my list. And a lot of these projects are up and rolling..tonight I did two hair cuts and made 25.00 and next week...I am doing two sets of highlights and probably making some more cash..but with my 25 tonight..I went and did my weekly walmart trip..and bought some stuff to redo my scrapbooks. It'll be easier when I have more cash..but I also bought cayle a little summer time chair so he can feel like a big was 5.00. They have blue and pink ones too if anyone was wondering. By the way..Christina, these were the chairs I was telling you about. was a kinda bad kinda okay day. And I think I deserve a bubble bath and good work out..with yoga.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Buzz kill..

So today didn't go as planned at all.!! I cleaned the house waiting on mom to call and tell me about my car..and when I get done I put Cayle down for a nap and start to watch t.v...and I ran my finger over my ring...and it was broken.!!! It had snapped right where they added the metal to re size it..I have NO idea how it happened. I was really disappointed..Adam offered to get me a whole new ring..but it wouldn't be the same..It wouldn't have the memory behind it..So I called Walmart..and they said since it hadn't been over a year that they would repair it for free. So later that day Mom came and got me..and we picked up my car...and it ran fine. I took it through a carwash and vacuumed it and made it really nice (which is another thing I can cross off my list of things to do.) So after I got home mom and dad went to do some errands..and my brother went to church with a friend so Cayle and I were home alone I decided to go ahead and drop my ring off to get repaired tonight so it'll be sent out in the morning. So I went and dropped it off and looked around at house stuff..and scrapbook stuff. Scrapbooks and house items are the next thing on my list. But anyways...I leave Walmart..and my car is NOT started shaking again. The mechanic over-looked a sensor or some problem....I dunno..but I am extremely mad...the car shaking is the whole reason I sent the car to the mechanic in the first place.!! I it me here or wouldn't that irritate you.?? My parents paid 700 dolalrs (including the tow bill and tax) and it's still not right.!!! I understand it may be a simple mistake..but that's a lot of money for it to still be not working correctly. Hopefully he'll fix it right and not charge for it. Ugh. It's just annoying because..I hate sharing a car with my mom. That thing is a gas hog. And for both of us to do our errands and go to school and takes way too much gas and it's expensive. So hopefully it'll get worked out. On the positive ring is getting fixed and I'll have it back in a week or so. Maybe sooner. My car is a step closer to being fixed. So..hopefully I can get it back before the weekend is through.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

There's a good day in the making.

So today wasn't too bad. At school I had a client and she asked for her hair to be in rollers. So I rolled it..and she LOVED it. She tipped me two dollars and I put it in Cayle's new piggy bank I got him last week. I gave him all my change too so its about half way full..I dunno what the money is for..but I figured it would be good to have. And I have an update on my wasn't one BIG was a bunch of little problems..but to have everything fixed from brake pads to a new's..604.00. I know it's a lot but EVERYTHING is getting fixed. And I'm thrilled. This has weighed heavily on my brain for months now. The best part is..I get my car back tomorrow.!! Ahhh.!! I'm so so so happy. Now I can get out and go if I want to. And not be stuck at home alone all day long. And I have no school tomorrow which is pretty sweet. Tomorrow is gonna be a good day.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Blogging about my day..

It was usual for the most part. My car is finally getting fixed..the downside is that I am only getting 55$ this week due to a stupid fight mom and I got into over gas..I need my 75$ a week. I dunno how I'm gonna make this stretch. Any ideas.? I'm just happy my car is getting fixed..thats another thing I can cross off my list. Hopefully its something simple. That's all I'm asking for. So I'll have a car by the end of next week hopefully. I really do.'s got almost a half a tank of gas so my first gas bill won't kill me. I really don't know how I'm gonna make that money stretch. I have some things I really need to get..and a few things I wanna get a head start on..and I don't see how it's gonna happen..I stress over money so easily. I guess it'll be ok. Needless to and I aren't talking..once again. You know..i'm sorry..but I need to rant for a second..But I am SICK and TIRED of feeling like the maid here. I'm tired of being alone almost 24/7. I wake up alone..I sit at school alone..I come home to be alone. If it weren't for Cayle..I'd probably go nuts. I'm sick of being snapped at when I'm doing the best I can do. I'm sick of nobody ever saying thank you. I've had it. I don't feel appreciated..and in a way..I feel like I've run my course at my house..You know.? And it's days like this that make me sooooo ready to move I can come home to MY family and I can be with MY family. I can do family traditions I want. And I can do things MY way. It won't be long..and they will miss me. And they will see how much I actually do and how they'll miss Cayle being there all the time..and to be's days like today that make me think when I move out and they call asking to see cayle part of me wants to say 'we're busy.' or just flat out no. But that isn't fair to Cayle. I want him to have his grandparents in his life..but I hate the way they do me just really burns me up. You know mother's day they all went out shopping and didn't even ask if I wanted to go.? Is that really what I'm reduced to.? Sitting at home every day alone.?? It's really depressing..and some days I really feel like crying..I really don't mean to sound like a big baby or whatever...I just hate being left alone so much. It really gets to you after a while. I can't wait to have my car'll make all this a little easier.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day 2011.

What a fantastic mother's day.! This morning Daddy made the mommy's a waffle breakfast..and the boys cleaned the kitchen. So for once I didn't have to. Lol. This was the cake I made for mom for mother's day. I think it turned out pretty good. Cayle got me a card and some capris pants, but I have to exchange them. They don't fit. But they were nice.! Later, I went to Adam's and we made brownie sundaes. And the were delicious. Kay and I baked the brownies, and we put cookie dough in the bottom of the pan. Then put caramel and brownie mix on top. When they were done baking, we put ice cream and all sorts of sundae toppings with them. Adam got me a card for mother's day and wrote a sweet message inside. It's always nice to get something like that from him. Honestly, I prefer that over anything he could get me. He said for father's day he wants some new boxers. I can do that, but I wanna throw in a little surprise too, but I'm not quite sure what yet. I was thinking a picture frame with a picture of him and Cayle in it. I'm still thinking on it. Any ideas.? All in all, it was a good mother's day. But my little baby made it the most special for me. He's my best friend and I can't go a day without being with him or getting some hugs and kisses from him. He makes everyday worth it. And he makes me so proud to be a mommy. And job is better than wiping faces, playing ball, and lots of love. I love being a mommy. I never knew life before it. And I can't imagine life without my family.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Girls..and baby's day out.!

This morning I woke up to a txt from Alliea asking if I wanted to go to run some errands with her before she leaves for a vacation to Florida. I haven't seen her in WEEKS and of course I wanted to. We went to lunch at El Meson. I had one of my favorite dishes in any Mexican place. It's basically grilled chicken, spanish rice, and queso. After that we went to Old Navy to find her some shorts for her family beach portrait. They had the cutest little boy clothes.!! After that, we went to the little debbie store and Walmart. I LOVE WALMART. And I've decided I want a picnic basket. I dunno if we'll ever use it, but I want it. 12 can't beat it. I got a small picture frame for 5 dollars at walmart today, and Cayle's first Christmas present/ birthday present..I haven't decided yet. It's his first piggy bank. I kind of want to give it to him now. I have a lot of change sitting around and I think it would be good for him to have all the change. He has a couple of savings bonds. It would be a good idea to have it. Dad made me think about starting Cayle a college fund. And honestly, I think he's right. College is expensive. It'll be easier to do when I don't have so many projects going on at once, but he has a good start. Two 50 dollars savings bonds and change adds up after some time. I've decided to print off a list of all my projects and keep it with me so I can cross things off as I finish. We may have a clue to what's wrong with my car. It's leaking oil again. That may be it. But as far as getting it emissions'll take some time..we have a few bills this month. :/ But I'm getting off topic, After walmart we went to Gigi's Cupcakes and got two delicious cupcakes with mountains of buttercream frosting and chocolate chips. Mmmmmmm.! It was so good to have a day with her. I don't get to see her often, but she really is a wonderful friend.! I've been thinking about Cayle's 2nd birthday themes and stuff..and to be honest..I'm a little stumpped. I want it to be unique, but simple, and have an awesome cake. I'm not much one for character themed parties..i.e. bob the builder etc.. I was thinking little monsters or a simple blue and green party, but I feel like monsters were too close to last year's party theme and blue and green is too simple for me..I'll keep thinking on it. Maybe I can check out a few websites too. Anywho, I'm gonna make a few lists of projects going on, christmas shopping list, and what I'll need for each project etc..and post it here...this is gonna be a long list.
Also, I have decided to learn how to cook before I move out. I have two major websites I go to to find recipes to try. and both are great, however, I favor familyfun because there are crafts and other things too. Our craft box is full of supplies.! Pom-poms, craft sticks, googly eyes, pipe cleaners, and foam sheets.! I'm pretty excited about it to be honest. All in all, things are going well, just need to get everything organized.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

10 pounds off my load.!

Today was great. I got paid for doing my house work. I paid my monthly tuition for college. And....I PAID OFF MY WEDDING GOWN.!! I am so relieved because now I wont have to think about it anymore. It stresses me out making payments on stuff. I always worry about being late and stuff. My usual client came back to see me today for her roller set. She is such a little doll. She tells me she loves me more than pound cake, watermelon, and elvis. I just love her. She always brightens my day. After school I made my weekly trip to Walmart. I's dumb, but I look forward to it every week. I got mom's mother's day gift finished up. I got her some O.P.I. nail polish and a candle. I got her a card too. And I'm baking mother's day cupcakes. I'll post pictures when I finish them. When I go to Walmart..I get a lot of ideas for baking and christmas and house decor. I love it. I'm gonna compose a list this weekend of what I wanna get everyone. Last year I did a little of everything including gift baskets of baked goods. I know bath and body works is gonna be a major stop for a lot of the ladies on my list. I hope this year Adam, Cayle, and I can have a Christmas dinner with Chris, Christina, Grace, and Baby Brentley. It was such a fun night. I hope my mom likes her gift. She tends to stay with the same nail polish colors so I'm not sure if she will like these or not, but I got her a Tennessee Vols orange color for football season. She likes to paint her toes orange. I can borrow it for Halloween too with my black shatter. I love shatter polish. Heheh. I cannot explain the relief I feel that my dress is paid for. I'm so happy. The new pirates of the caribbean movie comes out in two weeks.!! I am sooooo excited. I'm half tempted to buy my ticket early. I don't care if I go alone or whatever..I wanna see it sooooo bad.
I wish I knew how to cook actual food..instead of microwave stuff. Brittney was telling me about I think I'm gonna sign up on it and practice. It's kinda like my little site where I get my food and craft ideas. But I wanna put a notebook together of recipes that are good, easy, and festive. I have so many goals, but in all honesty, it keeps me focused to have a lot going on like I do. And it's even better when I complete a goal. Daddy looked at my car today, we're still trying to figure out what's wrong with it. I wish we knew. But in time I suppose everything will work out.
It's been sooo chilly outside..and I absolutely love it. It makes me miss fall, but it makes summer bearable.
Cayle is talking a lot. I'm so proud of him. He says all kinds of things, and he loves to be outside. Which is good for him. If hes active he's more likely to stay healthy..right.? He's hooked on cookies's his new favorite word. But with everything else..moderation is key. This weekend is gonna be very relaxing. I'm excited.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Yesterday was a good day. I finally got a bit of a break from being stuck at home during the day and went out with my nanny. We went to the little debbie store and to the dollar tree. At the little debbie store you can get snack cakes and granola and stuff half price if not lower. You can walk out with a full box of snack cakes for under twenty dollars.! I know thats a lot of snack cakes, but they're good for lunch and it doesn't hurt to donate them. They even have a full box of pie crusts for 5.00. You can't find deals like that any more..After that we went to the dollar tree. I got some more craft supplies, Cayle's first big boy tooth brushes, and some air fresheners. School was slow. But I made a 90 on my test..with 60 questions.! I did better than the rest of the far as I know..the girls are all saying they barely passed or failed completely. So I guess I did pretty good..I take a lot of pride in making good grades and my hair services. I never really cared much in high school about being a straight A long as I was passing I was happy. Most of the time I made B's...but math and I are sworn enemies. Haha.
Today wasn't too bad either. I had my first client in a few weeks. It was a man who works for the humane society. Eh. But he seemed pretty pleased with his hair cut. He wasn't a picky guy which made it easy. He tipped me four dollars. Which was pretty good considering the haircut was only six. Tomorrow, I'm gonna finish up my weekly house work, and nanny and I are going to Walmart. I love going to Walmart. It doesn't sound like much but it's nice to get out of the house. My car is still parked in my driveway. With all the bills going on right now and my family trying to save for car has to wait. But as long as I have a way to school and to see Adam I'm okay with it. I LOVE how cool it was today. It was making me anxious for the fall. I have so many plans for this year. I wanna write them down so I can mark them off myself. Goals keep me driven.

Monday, May 2, 2011

What an absolutely HORRIBLE evening.. it is..I need to rant and rave so I can get it all out of my system and leave it at may be little stuff..but little things are like paper cuts..and they hurt the most..right.? Today at school I was eating my lunch..and the owner's wife Kristy was in the break room talking to our junior instructor Cindi about the devastation that has hit several cities. She asked me if we got hit and I told her "No, we were very fortunate and only lost power for a few days, and only had one tree limb in our yard." The conversation got into how we should do something as a school to try and help And I suggested a money donation or a canned goods drive..and she just snubbed it off like I had suggested we rebuild the entire town or something..and then suggested we wash victims hair free of charge...are you kidding me.??? These people have lost EVERYTHING including their cars and other means of transportation. How in the world are they supposed to get to the school in the first place.?? At least my idea was a bit more practical. The canned goods and money could go to something a bit more important than a hair wash. Granted, I'm sure these people would love a hot shower, but it just doesn't seem like they could come to us for it. However, I'm not gonna let it stop me from helping. I'm going to go through my old clothes and donate them and some cases of water or something. Anything I can do, because I could have easily been in their shoes. I could have lost loved ones or anything and everything I own..and it's made me realize how truly blessed I am to have a comfortable home, family, a few good friends, and the opportunities I do. Because it can all be taken away in the blink of an eye. But the point I'm trying to make is that I'm so SICK of people at school just blowing me's been going on for months and months and I've noticed it more and about 90% of the time I'm sitting alone at school..and it's really getting to me. And when the owner's wife does it to pushed me over the edge. So I went outside and sat. Absolutely frustrated..not only that frustrating me..but Adam is thinking about moving in with two people from work..and considering how his last roommate situation turned out..I told him straight up that I thought it was a bad idea..and obviously he didn't wanna hear it blah blah that stressed me out..and the tears started coming..and I'm not even sure why. It wasn't a big deal..but it was embarrassing to cry at school. So I went and sat in my car until my face cleared up..then I went back outside and sat and I wanted to sit back against the door, and when I went to scoot over to the door...the palm of my hand went straight on a cigarette cherry. For those of you who have never heard that term..its the hot center of the cigarette that keeps it I was in extreme first I thought it was glass..but I was way off. Now I have a welp on my hand from where it burned that sucked. And it still hurts. My ipod quit on me the other night..and I lost almost 200 dollars in won't even hold a charge..It's frozen on the apple sceen..and I've tried everything I know to luck..Thankfully has the iPad and the iPod touch..and he gave me his iPod touch considering he never uses it and the iPad has more memory..and I'm thankful. I hate the radio more than anything..its a big pet peeve..but hey, if mean people, a welp, and a busted iPod is all I have to complain about..I guess I'm doing ok..I guess I just needed to vent. I feel a little better already. I just try to keep in mind how blessed I am..and that's enough to make me feel better..

Sunday, May 1, 2011


I've had a good weekend. Today Kay and I finished ALL of her centerpieces and more for her wedding..and she's even offered to let us use whatever of her stuff we wanted for our wedding..which cuts down ALOT of the in a way.. I kind of completed a goal. I only burned myself one time.! We were in a hotel for most of the weekend due to the storms..we lost power for 48 hours and I wouldn't have been able to feed cayle, or bathe him, or much else without power. I am so thankful that we only lost groceries..and things like that can be replaced..but loved ones, homes, and things of that nature are much harder to heart goes out to the ones who lost their lives, loved ones, homes, etc.. But it is so nice to see that there are people willing to help out and try to get the towns in living condition again. I would like to donate some clothes and baby clothes to the families who lost so much. I only wish I could do more. Saturday night, Adam and I made pizzas and cookies. We finally worked on our guest list.! We are estimating 75-90 people..being that this list is only a rough draft. Oh and this is an FYI for all who are invited..this is invitation only. So when you come please bring your invitation when the time comes..I'll let everyone know again..but this is for safety reasons mostly..we're kinda worried about some idiots showing up that most definitely don't have a place there..and I hate for this to sound snobby..because that's not the purpose at all.!! We just really don't want people showing Adam's biological mother or my ex or anyone in his crazy family. The wedding is still gonna be normal..except with that little feature. Hahah. Cayle is getting his first haircut this week. My instructor said she would cut it. It would be a good opportunity for the other students to learn what to do when you have a baby client..I think I'm gonna cry when she cuts his hair...but it really is starting to look unkept..and I don't want people thinking I'm a bad mom or something. But hey, what can you do.? Christina was telling me about how she got tons of good deals at the thrift store on baby clothes..sounds like where I need to go. Considering I have so many projects going on that all require money. I finally got us a craft box.! And it has grooves in it to where it can stack on top of another. And I'm out of room and still have supplies that need storing. I want your opinion on something..Adam and I are planning on moving in together at the start of next year and here we are almost 6 months away from that..does a stock pile (mini stock pile that is) of house hold items used often like paper towels, toilet paper, paper plates, garbage bags, napkins, cleaning products, and hand soaps sound like a good idea.? I think it is but Adam seems to think otherwise. I thought it was a money saving idea. Moderation is key of course, and a lot of my goals are requiring moderation and money saving benefits. I'm also starting my Christmas shopping soon. I know thats probably a little crazy..but why buy it all at once.? Why not buy a little at a time so I can actually ENJOY my favorite time of year.? And possibly splurge on Christmas ornaments and decor.?? Exactly..of course I can never give up my Black Friday ninja-ness. So I'll get whatever I can for the house or extra gifts. Cause when you think about it..6-7 months isn't really a lot of time to get everything done..especially with my scehdule. And money.