Thursday, August 11, 2011

Mission for Cayle's clothes with a slight change..

The change being..I'm going alone. Mom said she would give me extra money if I went on Saturday rather than tomorrow. I can't turn down the extra money. It's better to go with 100 dollars for clothes rather than 75. When I told Kay, she said she already had plans with her fiance. Which I can respect with her working 3rd shift her time with him is limited. I hope she has fun. I am content going alone. It'll give me some time to clear my head and sing with the music as loud as I want. But at the same time, it won't be as much fun. Kay and I talk about everything. And the first time we ever spent time together away from everyone we drove down to carter's and talked about everything. And got starbucks afterwards. But I guess there's always next time. Ah well, it'll be ok.

1 comment:

  1. That sucks. :( Alone time can be fun though. Samantha and I Love to just go shopping me and her. I don't drive, but we turn the iPod up real loud and sing to Barney or Dr. Jean while we walk down the road. ;p
