Saturday, August 13, 2011

My Carter's Trip.!

I did AWESOME. The car ride was very smooth. There wasn't any traffic. Cayle talked to me the whole way. I got 101 dollars worth of stuff for 80.45 with my 25% off coupon. I was very satisfied with that. I got pretty much all 2T size. But those are so hard to find, but I was able to get what I could. I got him some halloween pajamas, several long sleeved shirts, his birthday boy shirt, a pair of pants, and two hoodies.!! I've wanted to get him a hoodie forever.!! And I found 2 for 10 dollars each.! Here's some pictures of what I got.

The pants, a pair of pajamas, and his halloween pjs.

Family portrait shirt (maybe) and his two hoodies.

long sleeved shirts and his birthday boy shirt (far right)

more long sleeved shirts.!

I'm very happy with my purchase. He only needs a few more things and he'll be ready.!


  1. Awesome! I Love all the clothes! You got a good deal!!!

  2. Those are so cute! I love the hoodies :)
    I wish I had some money to take down there. I would love to buy Grace and Brentley some cute winter clothes. I'll have to see if I can save up my money.

    Did you happen to notice if they had any birthday shirts for girls?
