Monday, August 22, 2011

This is definitely a curve ball. :(

I'm a little upset. I had a great day overall, but while I was out shopping I went to look at the party stuff in Walmart, and you'll never believe it...the little einstein party supplies have been removed from the shelf.!! Walmart got their new shipment of stuff today and little einsteins stuff is GONE. I have no idea where to find it. I need to buy things induvidually because I have 40 lunch plates and the invitations. Everything online I have to buy in a kit I dunno what to do.!! Amazon has stuff, but not EVERYTHING I needm, and its very expensive. I wish I knew what to do. Does anyone have any suggestions.? I also got Cayle a new birthday present. He loves weebles. He likes to make them slide down the slide on their little tree house I bought him last Christmas. Walmart also said they would be able to do my cake. So at least I don't have to worry about that.
On the plus side today I got some new clothes. I got 2 shirts, a cardigan, and a pair of jeans. It definitely made me happy after not being able to find much in Pigeon Forge. But I can't wait to be back there. I can't wait for fall. I really need to come up with a game plan for his party though or I'm in trouble. I WILL do it though. He deserves a happy birthday. Speaking of his birthday...Adam will be on ANOTHER trip for work durign his birthday. I'm bummed he won't be at his party. But he did say he would drive in to see him. It sucks with Adam being gone so much. :/

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you could do a different theme? Since you still have a while to plan you could just completely change it up? Take the plates back, and use that money towards the party..
    I know it's not what you want for him, but you might be able to get more that way since you wouldn't have to spend a ton on decorations like you would if you have to buy a kit or buy from amazon..
