Monday, June 7, 2010

Goals. Dreams. And realizations.

writing down your goals helps you realize what you need to make it happen.

my goal as of now is to find work. i'd love to be able to find a job somewhere like hobby lobby or michaels..or even a book store. I'd love to have my own money so I'd feel more independent. I wanna be able to spoil
cayle and take care of myself. Not to mention whenever I do get a place with Adam I wanna make sure I don't have to leave him. And I want for cayle to be able to have his own space for playing and sleeping. I know when he gets older he's not gonna want to share a room with mommy.

I have a new scrapbook. I got it for the three of us. Adam cayle and I. And I need ideas for it. I wanna put a lot of time and effort into it. I want it to be something we can look at all the time and not be bored
of. I know I wanna put all of our movie tickets in there. And pictures of us on the holidays. But other than that...I've got nothing.

I try my hardest to never ever waste a penny. But with being a mom money is always tight. I'm not saying I'm bad with money I just wanna be better with it. I wanna be able to have emergency money handy when cayle needs something or for the apartment it costs alot to move and if I wanna have a place with Adam by this time next year saving as much as possible needs to happen.

I clean throughout the week. But believe it or not I'm not very organized. I've been wanting to make lists of stuff I'll need for the apartment and to start buying it and putting it up for the move. Things like towels and dishes etc..but I don't know what I want until I make a list. Hence why I'd like to have a job to start buying some of this and why the emergency money would be a great thing to have right now.

I guess I just feel like it's time to get started. Time to get serious about being more independent and more serious about this getting a place thing. Instead of it just being like a distant dream kind of thing. Regardless I'm very excited even though I have a while. I've started the application process. Sooo wish me luck and drop me some scrapbook ideas.


  1. Sounds like good goals. I usually go to yard sales and thrift stores for house stuff. Sounds weird, I know, but you can get some like to brand new stuff. And I am a FREAK about matching, so it is cool to find brand new stuff that matches my color schemes. Anyway, as far as scrapbook goes, I keep things like post cards from the places we go (It's cheap and cute). and brochures, pictures, locks of her hair, drawings and stuff like that. I usually put them in her Baby book though, but I am sure you could find a way to incorporate them if you wanted.

  2. As far as scrapbooks go I just use lots and lots of pictures and then write about stuff that involves the pictures. I pretty much try to put stuff about anything fun we did like our zoo trip or holidays.. things like that. I will also use anything like post cards from the place or invitations we receive. Stuff like that. If you want we can get together sometime and I can show you Grace's baby book that I made.

  3. I'd love to. When mom will loan me the car. Lol.
