Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Cayle's birthday part two.

Below are some pictures from his first party 10*30*10.

Cayle is having three birthday parties. How crazy right.? His first birthday party was Saturday and that party was for everyone. Tonight's party was strictly for the family. The last picture was taken tonight. This party tongiht consisted of Adam, Cayle, and me. Cayle and I woke up and the first thing I did was give him a birthday hug and kiss. After feeding him his breakfast we went downstairs and played with all his birthday toys. We shared my waffles too. After that we made a trip to walmart and got a few things. He saw a stuffed bunny (thumper) and reached for it. I got it off the shelf and gave it to him. He just hugged on it and loved on it, so I caved and got it for him. It's his birthday and I thought hey why not.? I try not to make a habit of getting him something every time we go out so he wont throw a tantrum when he's older and doesnt get something every time we go out. But this one time won't hurt. After our trip to Walmart we went to pick up dada from work. Adam was so happy to see him. We came back to my house to let Cayle play with his toys. And we played with him. He had so much fun. Later, we made him his birthday cake. Adam thought we should decorate it. So he wrote happy birthday cayle #1. I loved it. We played a little while longer, then I took adam home. This saturday is Grace's party. Adam, Cayle, and I got her a nursery set for her baby dolls. I hope she likes it. Next Saturday is Cayle's third birthday party. Adam's family is throwing it for him. I think it's extremely sweet of them to do that. I can't wait till the parties.!


  1. The pictures are adorable :) He is such a cutie-pie! Can't wait to see you guys Saturday.

  2. Such cute pics! That is sweet ya'll had your own little party. =)
