Monday, January 2, 2012

An update on everything. :)

I did my first yoga session in a long time. And it felt so good to get back into it. I've decided to start doing yoga 3 nights a week starting out. And on weekends maybe going to the gym. But I've been trying to watch what I eat. I'm consciously choosing fruit rather than cookies and staying away from soda. I do need my caffeine so I have tea only occasionally.

Tonight I cleaned up my downstairs apartment/room. It looks pretty good, but I would love it if I could turn the big part of this room into a living room type thing with my own sofa and decorations and the smaller room into my bedroom. But that requires a lot of time and money. And I don't have much of either right now.

Cayle is doing so well. I have been working with him a lot. He got a potty chair for Christmas and surprisingly he loves to sit on it. The flushing handle makes the noise of a car racing. I think that's why he likes it. We haven't officially started potty training, but I am getting him around his potty trying to make him comfortable. I've also learned that he does well with positive reinforcement. I'm trying to teach him to pick up his toys when he's done with them because it's gotten to be so overwhelming cleaning up the house when he comes right behind me to mess it up again. It's almost like an uphill battle with cleaning, but that's part of it I suppose. And if a messy room is all I have to worry about then I guess I'm doing okay.

I can't believe I am going to be finishing my last bit of school. I'll be done around my birthday (if I don't miss any days) if not then it'll definitely be right after that. That's not much at all.! I'll be so happy to be done. There have been so many times where I've just wanted to quit but I've had a lot of support and here I am about to be a college graduate.!!

My annual Gatlinburg trip is in 2 and a half weeks.!! I am so excited.! I look forward to this every year.!! But this time, Cayle gets a shopping spree for new clothes. This is a late Christmas gift. My parents asked what they could get him for Christmas and I just told them he needed clothes. So since we'll be near 2 great carter's outlets I'm gonna go shopping.!! Going to Gatlinburg for me is like...going to the beach for others. I get my nails done and eye brows waxed. And I pack my favorite outfits and dress up every time we go out. It's so relaxing for me. And I'll get to ride through Knoxville.

I've mentioned before about wanting to move to Knoxville..and I know for sure I will. But as far as when...I'm not too sure. I just feel like Chattanooga isn't right for me. And I want to really check out Knoxville before I move. It isn't good for Cayle to be uprooted numerous times. So before we move. I want to make sure I can do it financially, and I don't want to have to worry about daycare. I want to make sure Cayle can be in a good school while I go to work. But being a single mom...that poses a challenge. One income. No helping hand to keep him so I can work extra hours or if I have to stay late. That sucks. I don't know. I guess I still have to hammer out all the details, but I definitely don't want to live in Chattanooga forever. I'm getting to where I can't stand it. I feel almost stuck sometimes you know.?


  1. Ohh potty training. We are so not liking potty training lol, and neither is Grace :( But it has to be fone I suppose.

    I love Chattanooga, but Chris doesn't. He really wants to move to Nashville. I like it right here where we are, so I have no idea where we'll end up. I guess we'll see where my job takes us.

  2. Sounds like Cayle is doing good. Getting him used to the potty is a good start!

    Sounds like you are doing good too with your Yoga and all.

    I know what you mean about feeling trapped. Jessie and I are content here in Ringgold. But sometimes we think about moving somewhere like Harrison, to just get a little space between us and our family, and when we mention it, they throw a fit, like they have any say in what we do...

    It will be a challenge though, not having any help. I can imagine that would be extremely hard, but as strong willed as you are, I know you will find a way.
