Thursday, January 10, 2013

A slight change

I mentioned before about having furniture on hold at American Freight Warehouse. I had a sofa and a faux leather upholstered bed in layaway. Well..I changed my mind and decided on something a little less costly. Seeing as I have nowhere to put a sofa right now I decided it would be better to upgrade my bedroom instead. I won't have to rent out a storage unit to store the sofa. Which means more money for my car. And more money I can put back for a house. I can get the sofa later so this seems like the smarter route. I've given it some thought and if I play my cards right, I might be able to go straight to buying a home as oppose to renting. The thought of 600+ dollars going out the window every month turns my stomach. So after my car is almost paid for I'll look for a townhome like I want. The American Freight let me switch out the sofa for bed room furniture and all the pieces cost as much as the sofa (actually a little less) so it wasn't going to cost anything extra. All the money I've been paying on what was my sofa and bed can go ahead and be my bedroom stuff. I chose a black set (surprise surprise haha) to match my bed. I'm going for a glam theme for my room. With deep purple, black, zebra print, and paintings of Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn. I want to paint the inside of the drawers of my furniture dark purple or maybe even zebra print to add a touch of my style to it. I think it'll be really nice once I get it all set up. And once I get the payments rolling on my car I think I'm going to buy some bigger ticket items for my home. Like a new television. This way I will be all set up when I get where I want to be.

W-2's come back in a week or so and income taxes soon after. All that money is going towards a new car. I can't wait! I really want to talk my Dad into going to test drive with me next weekend. That way I can have a set in stone idea of what I want and what I have to work towards. I have been building up some $$ and its starting to show! I can't wait to get my car loan!

Kay seems to think Cayle and I need to take a vacation with some of the money from income taxes. She pointed out that we have never stayed anywhere together just the 2 of us. And to be quite honest..she's right. We've never had a vacation just the two of us..and honestly..I think that would be kind of nice. It's just a matter of $$. I'll have a week's vacation time after May 24th. So the time off will be nice..but I think a week Gatlinburg would be even better. So maybe next Fall Cayle and I will take our first vacation together. Seems pretty plausible to me. We'll see how everything with my car loan pans out and how much of my paycheck it will actually be taking.

I've said before about 2013 being all about fresh starts a new car, a better attitude, and a family vacation all seem like great starts. So let's see how it goes. It's all about budgeting right now. And playing the cards just right.

Here is a picture of my bedroom suit I chose and an idea of what it will look like once I paint the inside of the drawers.


  1. Your room is going to be BEAUTIFUL! I can't wait to see it. I know where you are coming from about the furniture. That is pretty good idea. So will they give back all the money you have been paying or penalize you or what?

    I hope the car loan works out. When you went to talk to them, what was it credit first? Will you need a cosigner? Have you started building credit?

    A vacation sounds fun. We thought about Gatlinburg this year too, but ended up going with Savannah. I think Cayle will enjoy some time together.

    Sounds like things are going well. :)

  2. The money I was putting down on my sofa just switched over to my bedroom suit. No penalty. The suit costs a little less than the sofa did so there was no harm done. They're really good about customer service there and I would recommend anyone looking for furniture to go there.

  3. I will post pictures once everything gets finished and moved in.

    I talked to the bank and they talked about a secured credit card so I'm going to get one of those here within the next week or so. They ask for $300 minimum so we will see! They also said I would need a co signer for my first loan and Daddy has agreed to co sign for me so that shouldn't be a problem :)
