Monday, February 27, 2012

What a fantastic weekend.!!!!

So this weekend was a lot of fun. Friday night Troy and I had somewhat of a date night. It was his grandmother's birthday and the family got together for dinner at Provino's. I'd never been and most of the family I had never met so it was nice to finally see everyone. They're a nice group of people. I think his sister and I will get along famously though. We're a lot alike. After dinner we went back to his grandfather's house. His uncle wanted to show me home videos of baby Troy. Poor guy, his face turned so red. But there wasn't anything too embarrassing. He was a cute baby too ;).

Saturday, Cayle and I got lunch together. And I took him to Walmart for a prize. He wanted some Hot Wheels cars. So I got him a few. And these Crayola bath drops. They make the water change colors.! They don't stain skin or the tub.! And it helps Cayle learn his colors. Cayle can also recognize both upper and lower case letters.! I'm thrilled.! After dinner, Daddy and I watched Pirates of The Caribbean 4. It was fun.

Sunday was awesome.!!! Cayle and I went to Kay's house for the day. We played Just Dance 3 on the Wii. Cayle danced with us. We made brownies and tacos for dinner. Oh, and fresh strawberries. :) After dinner we played the game some more. Cayle had so much fun trying to dance with us. Kay and I got to have our girl talk. And we're closer than ever. We want to try to make this an every weekend thing if we can. Cayle has gotten into a stage where he doesn't want to nap during the day and wants to go to sleep around 930 or 10 each night, but Sunday night he was partying hard.! After we left Kay's house, we stopped by Troy's house for a few minutes. Cayle got to meet Troy's mom. And my goodness she was crazy about him.! Troy seems to be too. They played together a majority of the time we were there. Troy is good with kids. I'm just trying to be cautious this time around as far as bringing Cayle around new people. It's not that I don't trust Troy, I just want to know in my heart that this is the right thing. And so far, my heart feels very safe. Troy is very different from other guys I've dated. I cherish the little things so much more. Phone calls, holding my hand, kissing me in front of his friends, everything. He never ceases to amaze me. And I can tell that Cayle likes him. He hugs him and isn't afraid to crawl up in his lap and sit.

I leave for NOLA in TWO days.!!! I can't wait. I'm very happy but somewhat sad because I'll miss my lovely people here. But Troy has reassured me that he'll be waiting with open arms when I get back. NOLA is a great opportunity and I want to just soak it up.! It's a vacation...that's what you're supposed to do..right.?

Today I found out the band Seether is coming to Chattanooga in May.!! That's Troy's favorite band. We're planning on going. I can't wait.

I just realized too...that my birthday is less than a month away. WOW. I'm so excited to not be a teen anymore. I welcome my 20's. :)

My NOLA post will be picture heavy. Just wait and see.!

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