Tuesday, September 4, 2012

I miss Cayle.

Work is great, but it has it's drawbacks..My time with Cayle is so much less than what I'm used to. It really breaks my heart..I'm so used to being with him all the time. But I work nights all the time. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday 3-9. Sunday 12-6. No day shifts. I know it's just for a little while, but it really hurts to be away from him. And I know it's not going to get easier. Because being a single mom, means you are the provider, the mother, the maid, the cook, the photographer, the doctor, the mentor, the teacher, the coach, the go to person. And I know I'm doing the best possible thing for him by building a career that has so much potential to make good money for us, but it's just hard with his birthday and stuff coming up. I want to soak up all this time with him. So I believe the best thing I can do right now is sacrifice sleep time (we usually sleep in) for Cayle time. Instead of doing dinner, do breakfast together. Instead of nights on the town, early mornings. I'll do whatever it takes to secure our relationship. And when it comes time for school, I can either home school or I can ask for a few day shifts and send Cayle to a really good private school (yes, still considering Daddy's offer). I don't know. All I know right now is that I am blessed to have so much help from my family and friends. Here's to a new start tomorrow. Cayle and I will have breakfast together and spend the morning doing something wonderful. Bring on Fall!!

1 comment:

  1. Those are good ideas. Make sure to get the rest you need, but make sure to get your Cayle time in. It would be nice for ya'll to have a good breakfast together. And with it being Fall I know you will be getting out of the house more.

    As far as school goes, if you are still on night shift, i think homeschooling is a great idea, just for the sake of getting to see him. If you decide to do formal schooling with him with a curriculum and everything, just make sure he does his work with whoever is keeping him at night so he can be with you in the day. If you decide to do a more relaxed approach, you guys could enjoy just learning together.
