Saturday, December 8, 2012

So much to think about..

I had to call in to work today because last night I was throwing up, had a fever, sore throat, headaches, body aches. And I had to leave early last night because I felt like crap. I didn't have it in me to go in today. This was my second time in my 6 months of working there that I haven't been there when I was supposed to be there. And you know what my manager had the nerve to say when I told her I wouldn't be able to come in? She said "This tends to happen A LOT on weekends with you Erica. Have a doctor note when you return" And hanged up the phone. Are you kidding me? How many times have I came in for her when she's asked? How many times have a volunteered to stay late when she needed someone? Every. Single. Time. I even worked on my mother's birthday to make up for the first time I called in sick. What does she want me to do? Assuming I was contagious (and I'm not) I would've gotten every client sick and my co workers sick. Is that what she really wants? That's a poor way to handle business if you ask me. Which brings me to a big decision. I am considering leaving Regis Salon for another salon with better hours and better pay. My boss took advantage of me when I told her I was willing to work whatever schedule. I wanted to show her that I have a good work ethic. So she decided to put me on all nights. 3-9 every night. While everyone else has 3 day shifts and 2 night shifts. I get Tuesdays and Thursday off. While everyone else has their days off together. Regis has become very over staffed and it's hard to make the commission. So if I don't make commission I get paid a wage for the hours I worked. So my checks come out to around $400 the 10th and 25th of every month. I went to college for this. I got my degree in this. I can go anywhere and work for minimum wage. That's just kind of stupid.

So with that being said, after the first of the year I am applying for a loan on a new car. I really think that is the best option for me right now. With everything slowly but surely tearing apart on this car I don't see it lasting much longer. Daddy seems to have faith in me as far as purchasing a new car. He thinks that I manage my money well and that my priorities are in order. He says that if I qualify for a loan he will sign the title of my Volvo over to me so I can sell it and put that money with the loan money and get myself something really nice. Which seems pretty ideal right? I hate being embarrassed over what I drive. Not to mention income taxes come in at the beginning of the year (or a little after) so maybe I can pay off a new car completely or close to paying it off.

As far as the hours I work..I feel like not working for a corporation salon and something a little more private I would have better hours. Right now I am working late hours. In a private salon, I would more than likely have Sundays and Mondays off and most of Saturday. And the rest of the week I would be out of there by 6 or 6:30 at the latest. That seems so much more ideal than 9 or 10 at night. I think that would be a little better because then I can be home with Cayle at night. And when he starts school we can be on the same schedule or closer to it. Which seems so ideal!

Now it's just a matter of finding a salon that either does a commission or a wage. NO BOOTH RENT. Booth rent I will basically pay to work. And that really defeats the purpose. I feel like I could do a commission if the salon wasn't over staffed, so I will do some research.

And I have to PRAY that this loan happens sooner rather than later. Banks often look at how long you've been on your job before they will give you a loan. So the plan is to stay with Regis until the loan comes through then I will find something else. And since I don't have a very big clientele I won't be doing myself much damage. Granted, I will miss the clients I do have, but I suppose that's everywhere you go and with every job you have. I will miss the friends I've made while working at Regis but it's not goodbye, it's see you later. I need a better opportunity than what I have now. I guess it's all about finding your fit. And if anyone has some advice about this or an opinion..I'd really love to hear it. I need some help on this one..even though the choice seems obvious.


  1. First off, that was way out of line for your boss! I would have called back and demanded to know why other weekend she was talking about.

    As far as the car, sounds like a good idea to me. Idk if you are planning on getting full coverage insurance anyway, but in order to make payments on a car you have to have full coverage, which can be pricey. Still, I'd say it's worth it.

    As far as switching jobs... The only advice I have there is to make sure you have a for sure job before you quit at Regis. Good luck girl!

    Now that I'm off school, we need to get together soon!

  2. I had called in on a Friday when I could barely stand about 2 months ago and even though the doctor told me not to go back until Sunday I went back Saturday so I wouldn't miss much work.

    I think I can do it if I play my cards right and try to save as much money as I can between now and the time I go apply for a loan.

    I definitely will! I don't want to be without a job!

    And definitely girl! Just txt me!
