Saturday, April 7, 2012

I don't know..

I've been having some issues with anxiety lately..And I hate to sound so..I dunno..emotional. But I don't know what's wrong with me. My hands are constantly shaking and my heart is racing...and the other night...I noticed my hair shedding more than usual. Today I had a baby shower to go to all the way on Signal Mountain..and I panicked..I've never been to Signal Mountain..let alone drove up the mountain..during the shower (I didn't know anyone besides the mom-to-be) and didn't really speak to anyone..and I felt so claustrophobic. Going down the mountain was even worse. I've kept a head ache for about a week now.. I just can't calm down really.

I was with Troy last night and for the most part I was okay. He pretty much loved on me and cuddled me the entire time I was there. I colored his hair and he loved it. It made me feel good that he was so appreciative of the things I do for him. His work schedule has been so crazy lately it's been hard to see each other. But we make it work. Easter is our 3 month anniversary. He's been so supportive of me lately and just everything I could ever ask for.

Over the course of the weekend Cayle and I have spent a lot of time together. We've been playing outside mostly since it hasn't been unbearably hot. We dyed eggs the other night. They turned out really pretty. The shells cracked a bit but it made a cool effect.

Tonight Kay, Cayle, and I spent some time together. We really need our girl time together. I don't know what I would do without her. She's cleaning out the storage closet in her duplex and she gave me some storage bins to put house stuff in. It's a big help..considering I don't have any boxes or anything to put stuff in. I couldn't buy any house stuff this week unfortunately. Most of my money went to gas and a baby shower gift. However I was able to put some money in my lock box. So I've come to the compromise..if I don't have enough money to buy house stuff one week..I'll put what I can in my box so either way I'm contributing.

I'm really..and truly ready to move. I'm sick of not having any privacy as far as what I do and where I go. I can't be gone without getting a phone call asking where I am, what I'm doing, why I'm doing it. It's just irritating. And a BIG issue that's really getting to the fact I like to go to Troy's house more so than he comes to my house. And my parents want to interject. Troy's house..we have privacy and a place to be by ourselves. My privacy and no place for us to really go to hang out. We can't go to my room..because I don't even really have a place to put myself. My 'bedroom' is a storage room basically. It's filled with furniture nobody wants, pictures nobody uses, boxes of junks, drawers of even more junk, just a lot of junk that wouldn't fit upstairs. It's annoying. I'm ready to have my own bedroom. And I feel the only way to have any sort of freedom is for me to move out. So I can have people over and a place to entertain. So I can have my own bedroom. So I can have nice things that are just mine. I just need it . I've set a deadline for myself. I'm out of here by June 2013. At the latest. Sooner if at all possible. I feel that's pretty reasonable. And it's not rushing anything. And as far as a new car..I've decided to get one from someone off of craigslist. I want to take Daddy or Troy to look at it with me (when I find one I like) to make sure I'm not getting screwed over on another crappy car. I really think it's do-able. To get out of here by next summer. I can set myself up perfectly if I plan it and budget it right. I'll be out of school next month and I'm trying to talk to a couple local salons to see about assisting or maybe even styling. Assisting would actually be better so I can get some experience..but there's always a chance I can get on somewhere where they can help me if I need it. It all just depends. I know it sounds like I'm bashing people..but that's not my intentions. I am well aware of the help I get and I'm grateful..I just need my own space..and my own life..with Cayle..Troy too if things work in our favor. And I don't see any reason for them not to. Kay even offered to give me the number of her landlord if I want the duplex she's living in after they move. I love her duplex. It's so homey and so spacious. I love being there and I feel live comfortably there. But who knows.? I just wish I had some certainty.

1 comment:

  1. Be careful with Craigslist. That's where I got my car, and there were so many hidden things wrong with it :( People will say anything and jimmy-rig anything so you will buy their car.
    I can't believe you are already almost done with school. You are doing so good girl!
