Tuesday, April 24, 2012

I am 96 hours away from being a college graduate.!

I broke 100 hours today at school.!!! I have 96 left. We've set my date for the graduation party for May the 8th. I'm so excited.!! I made my pretty sign for it yesterday. I'll finish by May 22nd.! I'm so excited. Also, I've bought a lot of house stuff :) I plan to get more this weekend. This weekend I plan on spending with Cayle. I think we're going to the zoo and maybe going shopping. Troy and I are still doing well. This is just an update on everything. I'll update more..when I actually have something exciting to blog about.


  1. Hi Erica, my name Fani. I'm Indonesian. You have nice blog. Keep writing ..

    Visit my site : http://ricdetop.blogspot.com/

    Hope we can be a friend ..

  2. Awesome, girl!!! I am so happy for you! (by the way, I think my Mom still plans to come. I forgot to text you last night.)

    You got a lot of good house stuff. We have the same measuring cups and such, and they have lasted us two years. Good choice! :)

  3. I wanna come to the party!! Is it for friends too? Or just family?
