Monday, September 5, 2011

A Few Updates..

A few people know what's going on..and I want to say thank you for listening. As of right now...I am single..but I really don't know where it's going to go..and I hate uncertainty. But I know what needs to happen. I need to finish school and bond with Cayle. He is what's most important. I have most of his party stuff thank goodness. And hope to have it all bought and paid for by the end of the month so I can save for Christmas. I will send out invitations mid October. I am so ready for things to get better and go right. Cayle is becoming more verbal every day. He can say a few small sentences and he isn't shy about what he wants. He runs and plays and we've found more to do together :)


  1. Girl, uncertainty sucks. I know, but you are right. He needs to lie in the bed he made. I hope everything works out.

  2. If you just need to get away for awhile I am pretty much always home now. I can't really go anywhere right now, but you and Cayle are welcome to come over anytime. Grace and Cayle could play while we chat away. Just text me to make sure we are here first :)
