Monday, June 18, 2012

This birthday plan is in motion..along with a fantastic day.!

Today was a great day.!! I decided on a spur of the moment house shopping spree. Troy's family got me a Hobby Lobby gift card so that was my first stop. I got some neat stuff. They have their Fall and Christmas decorations out.!! I literally got butterflies. I ended up getting a Fall decoration. I also got zebra print coasters for my living room, Cayle's first birthday present, and a photo album. Cayle's first birthday present being the materials I need to make his new blanket. I can't wait to start on it.!!

After that we went to Walmart. My original idea was to get things for my bathroom, but since they didn't have the color towels I wanted in stock, I went and got more kitchen stuff. I figured I couldn't go wrong either way. So I got some tub-wear dishes, a black and red strainer, sink stoppers, and three cookie sheets for baking. I'm really excited because that alone almost filled my storage tub. When they get more towels in stock, I plan on buying 6 (18 towels total which may change) of each color for my bathroom. My bathroom will be dark purple, black, and grey with plastic diamonds and pictures on Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn. Girly but just my style.

When I got home I took Cayle swimming. While he was swimming, I called the state park and asked them about renting the indoor pavilion for his birthday. Why am I asking so early.? Because that place books faster than the speed of light. No joke. But to my luck there was a spot open November 4th just like I wanted. So I booked it. It'll cost $50 to rent it, but once everyone sees'll understand why. I can't wait.!

I'd say overall a very accomplished day. Below are the pictures of my new goodies I bought today.!

1 comment:

  1. Girl, you got a lot of good stuff. I am glad you feel so accomplished! Your house is going to be so cute!

    Yah. Things for parties do book quick! Glad you got a spot though. I can't wait to see it!
