Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Thinking towards the future...and everything else.

Being at my new job has me thinking a lot about the future for both Cayle and myself. Overall, I want to move out by Spring/early Summer. I plan to stay in the Ooltewah/ Collegedale area. Cayle and I really need our own space in order to grow as a family. So with this first paycheck I plan on opening both a saving and checking account at the bank. The savings account money I plan on investing about 6 months of rent and bills for a new place just in case something happens and I need the money I know it's there. Originally I planned on saving 3 months, but 6 makes my mind feel a little more at ease. Plus the interest from the savings account will really grow over time. I know for a while I considered living with a friend, but in the long run, I just don't think it's the right choice. I don't want to get 3 months into it and decide its not working, or be stuck with all the rent and bills with the cost of raising a family. I'm not saying it would happen, I'm just saying better safe than sorry.

As far as plans for a new car, I think I just want to keep the one I have until I absolutely can't anymore. Maybe if I can give the car I have a little TLC I'd like it more. And I wouldn't be so embarrassed to drive it. It gets me from point A to point B, but I really would like to upgrade. Especially around the time Cayle starts school. I want to drop him off for school in something that looks nice and runs just as well as it looks. I want something he can be proud of. If an opportunity presents itself to where I can have a better car without breaking the bank I'm going to take it, but in the mean time, I'll make the best with what I have.

A plan I have that is somewhat in motion is to buy house supplies now. And with me working as well as cleaning house for money, that's become a little easier. I have some basic kitchen items bought, but Black Friday is when I really plan to stock up. I can get household appliances for ten dollars or so. Mom even gave me a storage tub to use for whatever I need it for. But for the most part I plan on saving as much money as I possibly can. I want to get everything done early so I can save in the winter. I'm going to start Christmas shopping next month. And birthday shopping in August. That way when Fall and Winter comes around my spending will be minimum.

Later down the road, I'd like to purchase a house. Probably in the same area. I've found some subdivisions I like and I know I could probably do it if I work hard. I'm very headstrong, and I think that's one of the reasons I've gotten as far as I have. But I feel that Cayle deserves that. He deserves a beautiful home for our family.

As far as a baby sitter for when I work, I'm pretty sure my cousin is willing to help and my neighbor. It's cheaper than daycare and when Cayle has school it'll be a little easier to work during the day and I won't have to rely so much on child care.

In addition to a new home, I'd love to have a new puppy. A boston terrier is my ideal pup. They're easy to train and wonderful with kids. And they don't shed as bad as other dogs.! I already have a name picked out and a breeder in mind.

As far as a plan for marriage, I don't really think I want to get married. I like being independent too much to have to wait on someone else. I think it's more important that I invest myself emotionally and physically into my life for Cayle and Cayle's life. And if Troy and I were to work out and marriage is in the cards for us that's fantastic, but if not I'm okay with that too. I don't have anything against people who want to get married or are married. It's just me wanting to be independent that makes this decision for me. I want to be all I can be for my son. And then there's always the issue of if whomever I marry wanting more kids. I don't think it would be fair to have kids with someone else because that baby would have what Cayle didn't. And I couldn't live with that guilt. But that's a touchy subject and I'll leave it at that.

On a side note, Cayle and I did an art project today from Pinterest.com. I lined the canvas with duct tape spelling Cayle's name, and I let him paint the canvas. When it was dry I pulled up the tape and his name was in white around the pretty colors.! I'm trying to find fun stuff for us to do this summer since there's not many options with it being so hot outside. And the bugs eating him alive. He's just now recovering from those tick bites he got a month ago. So I'm a little nervous about taking him outside. So maybe I can find a bug spray that fights off ticks and mosquitoes better than what we have.

Also, I'm doing a birthday plan post later tonight so check that out if you'd like. :)


  1. I bought Grace a birthday present the other day because it was over 50% off. I have also been buying a good bit of stuff I need for Brentley's birthday. I like buying early, so I don't get stuck with a huge bill all at once.

    I hate ticks! They make me want to throw up. My sister had one in her hair the other day... my mom wouldn't touch it, so I had to pull it out. Eww, eww, eww. Just EWW!

  2. I like buying early too. It makes me feel more prepared. And i dont stress as bad.

    Cayle was getting eaten alive.! It was getting so bad i had to take him to the doctor for it.!
