Wednesday, August 29, 2012

My job is such a blessing!!

I could not be happier with my job! Last Saturday, I won the retail contest and got a prize! I got to pick out whatever I wanted out of this big box full of brushes, sprays, products, and a flat iron. I chose the flat iron so I wouldn't have to buy one specifically for work. It was a $75 dollar flat iron and I didn't have to pay for it! Terrie (my manager) is very pleased with my progress and everyone has been helping me find my footing. I really enjoy working with my group. I've made great money in tips. I don't even have to use the money in my bank account really because of the tip money I have made. Which I am very thankful for.

And with this tip money, I plan on taking Cayle out tomorrow. We are having a mother and son day at the aquarium! I think he will enjoy it. It feels so good to be making the extra money to be able to do things like this with him. And not having to scrape together enough to pull it off. Since it's a Thursday, I'm hoping it won't be too crowded! I will be sure to post pictures of our day!

I've also been contributing to my goal to buy the things I need for my duplex and with tip money I was able to purchase my dinnerware set! I love them! They are black and red to match my kitchen colors! And square just like I wanted! I will eventually purchase another set of them so I will have 8 of everything instead of 4 so that will be good. The only thing I really need for my kitchen now consists of silverware, coffee pot, microwave, and a crock pot! Maybe a few other little things, but still how awesome is that??!

Fall is right around the corner!!! Ah, I can feel my mood getting better and better!! When all the fall stuff goes on sale I want to buy some for my house. Of course, with all the buying I've been doing I am saving as well, and I have a lot of money coming my way from my family. They are rewarding me with $300 for being completely finished with school and testing and becoming a licensed cosmetologist. Not only that, but I am making a lot more money at work and I've done close to $900 worth of work this past week. I get 40% of that. And my hourly wage. I've worked over 30 hours just this past week. So my bank account will begin to look very very pretty in a week or so!

This is completely off topic but I jumped on the bandwagon and bought the book '50 Shades of Grey'. Let me just say, apart from the raunchy sex scenes it's an interesting story. And I am enjoying the read.

Also, Mommy's, supposedly whooping cough is going around the area, keep your hands and your little one's hands clean!

This is my dinnerware! Sorry the pic is so tiny.


  1. That is great! I'm so happy for you!

    I haven't read 50 Shades of Grey. I don't know if I will. I'm just not that into erotica type novels, but everyone else seems to be lol. I hope you like them!

  2. That is so great you are making good money! I know you hate to be away from Calye, but having the money to do stuff with him will help make your time together more special. Not that you always have to spend money to have fun, but I hope you get what I am saying.

    I don't blame you. Get what you need for your house now. That way when you get your house, you can just focus on you and Cayle and paying just the bills. A lot less stress that way.

    I am glad you are doing so well. You really deserve it. You have worked so hard.
