Wednesday, August 15, 2012


I haven't been posting much lately, but I haven't had much to talk about. Until now. I had signed Cayle up for a music class (free trial class) and our class was supposed to be last night. Well, I get all the way down there and the time rolls around for the class to start, and then they tell me that not enough kids signed up! What the hell? I was so mad that I wasted my time and gas for Cayle to only get to play in a play room for 15 minutes and not even get to take the class. That is a poor way to handle business and I don't believe I will be going back. So that was a bust. But if they do that with my time...imagine what they would do with my money.

I take my final state board exam a week from tomorrow! Nervous? No. Excited? Yes. Finally I'm getting ahead. Let's just hope nothing goes wrong. For being completely finished with school and a licensed cosmetologist, my parents are rewarding me with $300 dollars! I plan on saving as much of it as I possibly can for moving out. And whatever else.

Speaking of moving out, Daddy has a surprise for me. He is in Michigan for work and is coming home this weekend. When Daddy goes out of town, he always brings home gifts. This time, Daddy txted me and told me that instead of a souvenir from Michigan, he is taking me to buy the pots and pans that I want for my house!! This was super exciting to me! It takes a big chunk out of the kitchen stuff I need. I have a majority of things for each room, but there are still quite a few necessities I still need to buy. But all in due time. And now that I'm getting more hours at work, it should be easier to get what I need.

Cayle's birthday is right around the corner! And I am still clueless as to what I want to do for it. I booked the place and bought him one of his presents, but that's about it. He can't decide between Mickey Mouse or Cars. He flip flops. Sometimes it's Cars sometimes it's Mickey Mouse. So that makes decoration shopping next to impossible.

Thank goodness it's almost Autumn. Summer always has a way of breaking my heart. I'm ready for all the beautiful and happy things Autumn has to offer. I got new jeans and a new cardigan (which is also for work) the other day. I can't wait to wear it.

I want to try to get back into shape. I have stomach ulcers and they make me gain a lot of weight. And I can't even stand to look at myself half of the time because I know I could look better. So here's to working out and eating right!

I've been looking into places I want to potentially live one day. And I've narrowed my choices down to Seattle and Boston. One of my friends mentioned something about how family oriented Seattle was and how beautiful it was. And I've been looking into it. It has potential. But I really need to visit both before I make a final decision or head back to the drawing board. Either way, I am leaving Chattanooga. I don't think I will ever be happy until I do. I was in Dalton over the weekend and even being 45 minutes away, I was out of Chattanooga and happier than I had been in weeks. Too much has happened in this town for me to be happy. But that's a different story for a different day.

I'm still enjoying work. It has actually gotten better. Remember me talking about that stylist that was extremely rude to me and the other new people? Well Karma bit him in the ass! He was in the busted paper back in July for gambling and possession of a gambling device!! Not only that but the boss got onto him for being mean to everyone and he's been a lot nicer. And I'm about to bump up and make more money. I can see the beautiful paychecks already!!

1 comment:

  1. I've heard Seattle is nice, but I saw in an article the other day that Boston is one of the most family friendly cities in America lol.
    I hate Dalton. Absolutely despise it, and I will never ever live there again. I can barely stand having to go there for school lol.

    Good luck on you final exam!
