Sunday, August 29, 2010

Family Oriented..

Whenever I'm with Adam, or a close friend, I always notice how family oriented everyone is. I notice how they make Cayle and me right at home. I notice how often they have family get-togethers and how close they are...I never notice that with my family. Nobody ever wants to sit together and watch a movie or go to dinner or anything like that..Everyone's schedule is different from everyone elses so Cayle and I are home alone about 94% of the time. The only time I really see my family spending time together is Christmas day..and Christmas eve. Almost every weekend I'm with Adam, the whole family goes to church together then everyone goes to his grandmother's house for lunch/dinner. Then everyone sits around and talks and plays with Cayle while Adam and I either watch him play or cuddle up together on the couch. Whenever I'm at Alliea's (she's a very close friend of mine. We've known each other since 7th grade.) I automatically feel the warmth of a home-y home especially around christmas time. I feel like a memeber of the family there. Everyone's always in the family room. Playing with her nephew, watching a movie, or eating dinner. I guess it's just nice to see a family who really shows their love for each other rather than just saying it. I want Cayle to have a close knit family with lots of neat traditions. Even if its as simple as a Sunday morning breakfast together. Or opening one present Chrismas eve. I'm not gonna's really quiet here at home with just Cayle and me. I've grown used to it, but that doesn't mean I like it. During the week it's like tag team with mom. When she comes home, I have to leave for school. Dad works all the time. He's gone from 6 in the morning to usually 9 at night some days..and others he's home at 5. My brother is at school practicing football until 6 and in bed by the time I come home. We never do much of anything together. I dunno..the point is..I want Cayle to understand the true meaning or family. It doesn't matter who's in it [biologically i mean] or the size..its love. and I know he'll have all the love and open hearted-ness from me he could ever ask for. Unconditionally.


  1. One tradition Chris and I have decided to start has to do with Christmas. We decided that every year we would get an ornament signifying our relationship, an ornament signifying something about Grace, and a family ornament. We did that last year and we want to do it again this year.. it is our little tradition. And then each year as we add more ornaments to our tree it will signify the growth of our family..
    It's simple, but really special to us.

  2. I Love family traditions. My family spends a lot of time together and we have a lot of traditions. The ones Jessie and I chose to do with Sami are opening a present on Christmas Eve, Family ornaments-one for me and Jessie, one for Sami, and then one for all of us. We always get a pumpkin to carve together for Halloween. We also do projects for things like our family reunion-like cook and bake cookies. And of course read the Night Before Christmas on the night before Christmas. lol And then I have a book called the Night Before The Night Before Christmas and I'm sure you can guess when we read that. Ha Ha. Anyway, I am sure you can come up with some traditions for your family, especially if you really feel like you want Cayle to have that closeness with ya'll.
