Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Too Much STRESS.!!!

I apologize if I'm complaining too much..but I'm stressed to the max and I'm literally about to explode. I'm sick and tired of cleaning every single day and doing things for everyone else in this house, yet when I need something it's like pulling teeth to get it..and i still don't get it after begging. It's getting harder for me to care about what my parents want from me when they really don't care enough about what I need. I need my toes fixed because they've grown so deep in my skin it hurts even more than it should to stand for 6 hours at school. The doctor they sent me to was in and out in less than 5minutes and gave me pills that didn't work...so I stopped taking them after 2 weeks of no results..When mom found out her response was "You just didn't wanna take them because they'll cancel out your birth control" Okay, A. I would think after two weeks with no relief in the pain you'd stop taking them to. B. Does she see me as a slut or something.? I dunno..but it really hurt my feelings..and it's comments like that that happen on a daily basis here. And sometimes I ask for someone to watch Cayle for 20 minutes..long enough for me to have a shower..but even thats too much to ask "Take him in the shower with you." "You could get a shower if you really wanted one." I need to get more hours at school. "I don't want Stacey watching the baby because I would have to pay her" I'm at school for 5 hours..I get hungry. I usually take something with me to eat at school because I'm always broke and dont have the money to eat out like everyone else. Today..we didnt have anything I could take. "You have vegetarian stuff in the freezer" It was all stuff I didn't eat anymore. "Then don't complain about being hungry."...I hadn't eaten since 10 this morning. I had a horrible headache and shaky hands all through school. I couldn't take it. I'm tired of being called a slacker..I'm tired of being told I don't do enough..I'm tired of putting everyone else before myself..The only person's needs I feel should be before my own are Cayle's needs. And that's how its always been. I feel like my family wants me to jump through hoops just to get something I need..or something Cayle needs. I feel like an eighth of a person because of all the stress I'm put under..all the stress of not having a job so not only I could do more for Cayle..but I wouldnt have to depend on people that I can't depend on..people who like to hold things over my head..and turn things around on me to make me look like the bad person in an argument. My mother had the nerve to tell me tonight "I've taken all the abuse I;m gonna take from you tonight.." When I was in a bad mood from being sent to school hungry and broke..My family doesn't acknowledge me when I walk into a room..they don't even stop to look up. I hardly ever have more than a quarter of a tank of gas in my car..that makes one round trip to school..then its time to fill up again..I don't have the money to do it..I had to scrape together change to make it to school and back today..I'm tired of feeling this way..I just wanna be able to do it all to where I would never have to ask my stuck up family for another cent. My mother is the type who likes to 1 up people. She likes to show off her money, her cars, her house, and Cayle..like he's a freaking trophy or something..everything is just an extension of herself to her. It never occurs to her that Cayle and I are living people with our own feelings..we aren't her money we arent her fancy car. But she doesn't care..she loves to make me look like the bad mom. We're finally having people put a new roof on our house so i wont get rained on when it rains outside..She was 'bragging' to the construction worker about how she has to take care of Cayle for the next 5 hours..she didnt mention that I was going to be at school for those next 5 hours..she made it sound like I was going out to party. I take Cayle with me pretty much everywhere I go. I never leave him if I don't have to. I came hme tonight and the first thing I did was throw something in the micrwave so it could cook while I got Cayle from my dad. Mom had the nerve to say "Erica, aren't you going to come in here and say hi to your family..and hi to your child.??" I'm not a bad mom. I take good care of Cayle and I know it..but their comments tend to poison my mind at times. They make me feel like a bad kid. I havent done anything wrong since I was young. I feel like an adult..and they insist on pushing me on my butt and treating me like I'm two..I feel like I cant win..I really dont know anymore...


  1. Jessie's Mom is like that. She thinks Sami is an extension of her and that I am the terrible one. That is why I won't let her watch Sam anymore. But I know that is not possible with you. Maybe you should look into sending him to a Head Start so you can have that extra day and try to move to school during the day? The one Sami went to wasn't good, but maybe the one down there is. And the waiting list crap they will tell you is a lie.

  2. Brittany has a very good point! You should definitely look into that! I think that would help you out a lot!
