Saturday, March 17, 2012

I feel like all I'm good for is a free haircut.

Yes, I'm venting. Sorry. All of a sudden my brother decides he wants Cayle's room because it's bigger. So my parents jump right on giving him what he wants. Without even asking me what I think or what I want. My opinion doesn't matter. Why couldn't this have waited until I moved.? He could've had any damn room he wanted then. Pardon my French. So to be blunt..I really feel like my opinions in this house are dust in the wind. And the only thing I'm good for is a free hair service. That's the only time I come in 'handy' anymore...unless I'm cleaning something. People think since I'm family that they don't have to pay me. No. Sorry. I have bills. I have a baby. I'm in school. I need my money. I'm sick of getting screwed out of money. Sick of getting overruled on things that apply to my kid. So with this next bit of money I get..I'm buying house things and making sure everyone knows. I'm sick of this crap. I'm sick of feeling like I don't matter in my own home.!!! I guess..this was just building up for a while. And having NO say whatsoever in this room swap was the final straw for me. I'm sick of this.

So to move forward with my plans to move out.. I plan to (within the next few months)

-open a bank account

- save some more money

- buy house stuff

I think for my birthday if I can afford it..I want a tattoo. I should save the money..but the tat is small and shouldn't cost much. I want 'It can't rain all the time...' on my shoulder. I love the saying..and I can't help but notice that it applies in several aspects of my life.

Eh I dunno. I'm not at my best right now..but seeing Kay and Troy helped a lot. I spent most of the day with Kay, and I went to Troy's band practice to hear the new songs. They sound great. Troy gave me something he made at school in the workshop tonight as an early birthday gift. It was from the heart. I was happy. And I left..Troy's mom told me she loves me..that to me..sounds like things between Troy and I are getting serious if the family already loves me...right.?

I dunno. Things in my brain are so jumbled. I think I just need to talk it out.


  1. I am sorry to hear things aren"t going so well. That was wrong of them ad it could have waited. I hope you get to move soon. Looks like you made a decision on weather or not to buy things now.

    Wow. Sounds like things are going fast with you guys, for his Mom to say that. By the way, what dd he make ? Jessie made me a copper rose once and that is my favorite gift from him.

  2. He made this pendelum thing and put it on a necklace. It's heavy so i cant wear it but I have it hanging up. Yes I did make my decision. Starting this week.
