Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Spring picture post.

This week has been a pretty okay week. I had 2 clients this week at school (including my weekly roller set lady) so I've been somewhat busy at school. Today Cayle and I went outside to play. He rode his big wheel and played on the playground at my grandmother's house. She has it set up for all the grand kids to play on when they come over. So I decided to take pictures for the scrapbook...which is coming along nicely I might add. ;)

I've been thinking a lot about Cayle's Easter basket..and I'm really drawing a blank. I would love to do a themed basket, but at the same time I like the idea of hunting for your prizes for your basket. But I also like the idea of putting together a unique basket of things he likes like hot wheels, bath drops from crayola, jelly beans, bath crayons, and maybe a new cup. But I don't know. Any ideas.?


  1. Cute pics. That is nice she has an area for her grand kids to play.

    I LOVE themed baskets. You could do a spring toys theme, Disney theme, or car theme. Never heard of hunting for your prizes, but that seems neat too.

  2. Christina did something similar to it with Gracie last year. But I have a few ideas. so I'm just gonna go with it :)
