Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Why is it so hard to like school.?? I don't understand. I LOVE LOVE LOVE doing hair, but I literally cannot stand school. I hate it. I don't have many people to talk to. I don't learn much of anything. I don't even get to do clients half the time. Its messed up.!! I'm just ready to be done so I can move on with my life. I've got better things to do than waste six hours of my life every night sitting around doing nothing. I keep on top of my school work. I make sure all my stuff is clean for if/when I actually get a client. I need some novels to take. It's so hard to find any that keep my interest due to the topics I enjoy reading about. "Raw" topics I guess are considered 'offensive' so no one writes about them as often as they do a sparkling vampire. Ha.! I hate twilight. I think another reason I dont like school is because half the girls there remind me of the 'mean girls' in that movie. Theyre blonde skinny spoiled and they think they're better than everyone. It makes me sick. Ughhh. I dunno. I just want things to be a little easier there so I dont hate it as much.


  1. Hey Erica...I am so with you. I use to like going to school but not so much any more...half way because I am no longer sure what I want to major in and because there are ALOT of immature little kids here. It's college when do they plan on growing up????
    I hope school gets better for you= )

  2. Thank you very much. I hope so too. I would love to be able to enjoy it. Hahahahah. Thank you for posting to my blog.!

  3. Laura is coming to get her hair done by you tomorrow :):)

  4. She couldnt make it unfortunatly. I would love to do her hair though.!!
