Thursday, May 24, 2012

My first day at work.!

I knew I was going to love Regis.!! I definitely feel like I made the right choice. I got there today and filled out all the paper work. And after that I got to dive in. My boss, Terrie, taught me how to work the books, how to use the computer for sales, and more.! I met a lot of really nice people. And I could tell everyone was really close and I hope to work my way in the knit as well. I even sold shampoo today. Two liters worth.!! I get 8% of my retail so I would say that's a pretty good start.! Considering the total was almost $40. It's a little overwhelming only because it was the first day and I'm still trying to get the swing of things, but I'll get there. I definitely need some better shoes. My zebra print shoes are giving me blisters. But other than that. I love my job. It feels great getting into the field for real. I've sent my papers off and I'm waiting for them to get my name in the system then it's test time.! I work tomorrow 10-2. Can't wait to show what I can do.

1 comment:

  1. YAYA! I am so excited for you! Text me again tomorrow and let me know how it goes.

    I am sure you will work your way in. Just put yourself out there. If you get a lunch break or get off at the same time as someone else, maybe invite them to lunch with you in the food court?

    WOw! $40.00 shampoo! Good lord. 8% is nice!!!
