Monday, September 13, 2010

blogging about my day..

Today was okay I guess..exluding the fact my mom and I got into yet another argument. Adam and I talked a lot today so it made it a little easier. I had a good class. I did my first shampooing tonight. I was proud. I got a good manicure too. Cayle and I played all day and watching christmas movies..maybe tomorrow we can take some pictures together. He's been taking care of me while Adams been gone ;) I don't know why I've been thinking about christmas and family traditions so much..I guess because I want Cayle to have a closeness with me that I never really had with my parents..Don't get it wrong I love my parents, they do a lot for me, but I just need a little breathing room and ALOT less fighting. You can cut the tension between mom and me with a knife. Its just not healthy..but that's how its always been. And I want Cayle and I to be able to goof off and hang out and be best friends you know.? I want our home to be the one everyone feels at home the minute they walk in. I want Cayle to be able to say one day, "That's my mama. SHe busted her butt taking care of me and I gotta look out for her." It may sound silly, but thats what I want. I want that closeness with him that I never had. I guess thats why I read alot into family traditions and always looking for things we can do together. Thats why a couple of his presents are what they are. Like the ball. He picked it out, but once he learns to walk we can play together. And his blocks, we can build them into tall towers together. Granted, if he wants to play on his own thats fine too. But if he wants me to play too I'm all for it. Haha. I hope I can get him his Noah's arc set sometime this weekend. Then I can get the rest of the decorations and stuff later. I am strongly leaning towards having his party in the park close to my house. I apologize if it's a long drive and I understand if some people can't make it. Gas is always a problem for me. I have to make less than half a tank last all week...and told me today 'You run out, you won't go to school.' It's comments like that that she makes all the time that really get to me..I dunno..the only thing I know to do is to just stay out of the way and leave nothing behind me for her to complain or get onto me about...i guess it'll help me stay busy. Fall is sooo close I can taste it. I wanna get a scarecrow from walmart for Cayle. He needs to really have the true fall experience haha. It'd be nice if we could make our own, but I don;t think he'd sit still long enough. I can't wait for adam to come home..Weekends here = not gonna happen. I dont wanna stay here. Not with mom all weekend. nope. nuh uh. nooo way. help.?

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean. I Hope Sami and I are always BFFs. lol. Seriously, I want us to do everything with her and even when she is a teenager and doesn't want to do EVERYTHING together, I want her to still tell me everything. Sami is such a good listener for me now, I want to be one for her later.
