Thursday, September 9, 2010

What a day. :D but in a good way.

Today was absolutely great. Adam and I took Cayle to the Creative Discovery Museum with Christina, Chris, Grace, Morgan, and her son Christian. It was a blast. At first, I was afraid Cayle wouldnt have that much fun because the last time I was there, they didnt have much for babies, but a lot has changed since then. They had a whole play area for just babies. It was so fun. Adam got a lot of pictures of Cayle, but Cayle was to wrapped up in playing with all the toys and going through the exhibits that he didn't really care much for his picture being taken. Haha. Adam loves bonding with Cayle. It was so much fun to watch all the babies splash in the water. All of them got soaked. I hit my head pretty hard trying to climb up through the play ground to get to adam and cayle. I'm glad Adam got to spend some time with us before he leaves sunday..I really don't know what I'm going to do with myself while he's gone. It's just gonna suck being without him for almost an entire month. But like I said..I'm trying to be positive and think about how happy we'll be to see each other again. Adam has my car for the rest of the week. Soo I'm just chilling at home with Cayle. We're spending a lot of time together during the day because I hate being away from him at school, but in the long run it will be better for us. As soon as I got hime tonight, I mmediately started working on my scrapbooks. Scrapbooks make it easy and more enjoyable (not that it wasnt before) to document the things that happen in Cayle's life. I guess because I can be more creative with it. I know this is really off topic, but I decided to wrap Cayle's birthday presents since he likes to get into paper. hahah. I'm also thinking of ideas for christmas. This is cayle's first family christmas with both a mom and a dad and I wanna make it special. Not only that, but it's my first christmas with adam. And I wanna make it special for us too. It's so close to my favorite time of year. I can almost taste it. Now if I can survive these next three weeks..I'll be ok. Keep me sane girls.!.

1 comment:

  1. How is your head?? I hope you didn't get a concusion or something.. I'm really sorry for hitting you too lol.

    I love Christmas! I really cannot wait. I am extra excited this year because we get to buy a tree.. I have never bought one before. We decided to get a fake one so we save money every year not having to buy a real one.

    Also, I think it would be awesome if we got together one day and swapped scrapbooks to check each others out :)
