Wednesday, August 10, 2011

These past couple days..

These past couple of days have been very crazy. School is finally starting to pick up. I've had two clients this week. This is my "Locks of Love" charity client. I cut 12 inches of hair in one sitting. It about gave me a heart attack to do it. Hahah. I've made almost 10 dollars in tips this week and I only need 15 more to meet my goal of 75 for clothes. I started composing a list at school today of what I wanted to get him at Carter's and what I wanted to get him at Walmart. Which places had the best deals on what, how much of each thing I needed to get..etc.. And so far I've got a lot in order and I think I'll be able to get my money's worth if I budget just right. I am also going to start birthday shopping in 2 weeks. I wanna try to get the decorations bought as soon as possible. I am definitely doing a little einsteins party. I wanna keep it pretty traditional. I am renting out the pavilion in the park by my house if it's available. It's 15 dollars an hour. You can't beat that. Tonight I was on my feet for four hours doing a client's hair. Her hair was massive. And very thick. But she was a sweet lady. She always asks about Cayle. I'm happy tomorrow is the last day of school for the week. I'm ready for a relaxing weekend. But more than that, I'm ready for Adam to come home. I miss him. Cayle misses him. It gets really lonely when I don't have anyone to talk to during the day, but he'll be home soon enough. And we can be together again. I need some down time though. I am really tired. This weekend I have to get Cayle clothes, get my dress altered for Kay's wedding, and Sunday I think Christina and I may get the babies together. We're still working on plans. It's time for a hot bath and some down time for tonight though. :)

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