Sunday, April 17, 2011

I feel sometimes like..

I'm never getting closer to my goals.. It's so irritating. Today, Cayle and I were coloring and I went to hang up his pictures..and I thought to myself...I wish this was MY refrigerator and not my parents. I wish I was further along in school so I could say that it's close to moving day. I wish I could say I knew all the details of my wedding..i.e. the reception, guests, etc. I'm busting my butt everyday..but somehow it feels like I'm NOT any closer. I don't know what else I can do. Any ideas.?
On the way to get my car looked at...wouldn't you know it breaks down again. In the turning lane on the highway. I seriously wasn't even 5 minutes down the road. So I couldn't help Kay with her wedding stuff..and that really sucks.
I guess I just really need a good pep talk. I need a friend right now. I feel a little lonely lately. Eh.

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean. Sitting everything out and adding it all up, and setting an actual date will help you because you can count the days.
    And everytime you accomplish a major accomplishment, then you will know. I knew we were getting closer when I got married, graduated high school, started college. I always knew we were one step closer to moving out.
