Thursday, July 14, 2011

What a productive day.!

Today was pretty busy to say the least. I finished ALL the house work in record time. Cayle and I played and he got a good bath. He has some bumps on his thighs and diaper area and I'm gonna try an oatmeal bath to see if it will clear up. I'm pretty positive it's not contagious. I haven't seen any spots on me, and mom hasn't either. Either way, he's going to the doctor Monday just to be safe. School was surprisingly tolerable tonight. I FINALLY got a client after 2 weeks without one. Men's' hair cut. I get a lot of practice with those lol. I made a 2 dollar tip. I made a 95 on my test over the make up chapter. I only missed one, and it was the one everyone was missing hahah. I came home and worked on my scrapbook and I am happy to say after my photos I ordered from Walmart come in, I will be caught up int he scrapbook. I've worked my butt off on this one, but I was and is well worth it. I enjoy doing it, and Cayle will see it one day and hopefully be happy I took the time to make it for him. I can't wait for my pictures.!! I've decided to go August 12th to the Carter's outlet to get Cayle his new clothes. I plan on saving 75-100 dollars between now and then to buy him some good stuff. Not all his clothes have to be from there, but I love Carter's so much I want him to have at least a few things from there, and with all the stuff I have planned for us this Fall and Winter, he's gonna need something nice to wear for all the pictures I'm going to take. I just can't wait to get started is all. I'm really excited for it. Every day is one day closer to the best time of the year. And I'm not talking about just Christmas and stuff..I'm talking about when it isn;t miserable outside and Cayle and I can actually go outside and not sweat to death, I can get in my car and not pour sweat, I can actually wear hats and boots and feel pretty. Summer is just miserable. Minus the watermelon..yeah. I love that stuff. Haha. Pretty awesome weekend in store. I'm baking tomorrow night. I'm decorating cakes tomorrow night. I'm hanging out with my little man tomorrow. It's gonna be nice. I have a 4 day weekend from school. I couldn't be happier about that. I'll post more later.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice. Okay, so when did you order your pics? I ordered that collage and it came in, but I ordered like 2 5 x 7s on the 2nd of this month and they STILL haven't come in! I contacted customer service like it said, and they told me to wait another few days.
