Saturday, June 25, 2011

Happy 50th Birthday To My Wonderful Daddy.!

I know he'll probably never see this but still I wanted everyone to know today was his birthday. Cayle woke us up around 9:45 this morning. We ate breakfast with everyone. Then Daddy went to the flea market with Mom for a little while. They usually roam around Saturday mornings together. Before they left though, Cayle and I gave Daddy his gift. And he loved it.! He said he was going to take his new chef's basket on vacation with him. He even noticed that his gift bag was his favorite color, orange. When my parents got back we chilled around the house. Then we started dinner. It was awesome. We made chicken, steak, shrimp, zucchini, bread, and red skin potatoes. That's probably gonna be my last big meal for a while. I have a new goal to lose 50 pounds by October 1st. Now, before anyone freaks out, do the math. That averages out to about 16 pounds a month. Which I feel is very do-able. It's an item I can cross off my bucket list. To achieve my ideal pants size. I'm gonna be safe about it of course. I just think I need to make healthier choices. It can't hurt.
So everything is being finalized for our six flags trip. And from the way it looks, and if everything works in our favor, we'll have about 50 extra dollars. Which will be great.! So cross your fingers because here goes nothing.! Its something I can mark off my bucket list too.!
I've been thinking about Cayle and Adam's relationship, and I feel like they need more time together. They love each other, but I want Cayle to have a stronger bond with him so it'll be easier to leave him with Adam once we move in. Cayle only sees Adam when I do and I think they need to take one day every week or so to be with each other. They need that familiarity with each other.
I've also come up with an interesting (in my opinion) idea for my house. Since I am learning to cook, I thought why not make my own recipe book. I would print off recipes of all different kinds that I like, and that Adam likes, and Cayle likes and keep them in a three ring binder organized by catagory and keep them handy. I could put those plastic slips over them too so they don't get torn or damaged. Its basically like a homemade cook book. What do you think.?
As silly as this sounds, Cayle and I were watching a movie together before bed, and a commercial for Disney World came on and Cayle just started smiling and moving his arms around. That makes it a given. I have to take him one day. I don't know when, but I'm making sure he gets to go. We'll go preferably around his birthday or Christmas (since I do my Christmas shopping super early it wouldn't effect our budget) when it's not too hot or cold and the crowds are very manageable. It's perfect. I can put a few dollars back every week for that, but also..I want to have an emergency fund for groceries and other needs for the new house. I know..there's a lot I wanna do, but I like to be prepared. It keeps me on track.
Tomorrow Cayle and I are going to see Adam and spend the entire day with him. I'm pretty excited. I think we're going to see Kay too. Tomorrow should be a good day. We'll see what happens.!


  1. That picture is so cute!! I think the cookbook sounds like a good idea too!

    Honestly, on the Disney World thing, I think waiting is best. I went when I was 2, 6, and 9. I don't remember a single thing from when I was 2, and I barely remember anything from when I was 6, but I remember most of the trip when I was 9. I plan on taking Grace and Brentley, but I don't want to take them until they are old enough to remember because I feel like it would just be a waste of money otherwise.

  2. Love the picture! All that stuff sounds like a good idea. I also Love having a Home Management Binder. It's the coolest and it keeps things organized. Also, him and Adam spending more time together sounds great. I don't think there will be a problem once ya'll move in together since he is already so used to him though. Samantha and Jessie get time together, but they don't get a whole day every week. We do go out as a family on the weekends, but I am always there. I don't remember the last time they were completely alone for the day.
    Oh yes, I cannot wait to take Samantha. I am thinking when she is 5 will be a good time, for her birthday week.
