Saturday, June 11, 2011

What a BUSY Saturday..

Today was the busiest day I've had in a VERY long time. Cayle and I went to two birthday parties, spent time with Kay, and went to dinner with my parents. The first party was for my mom's former co-workers baby. He turned one today. She's such a sweet heart. She lives green. She loves to do everything organic. Her baby's name is Carter. Her party for him gave me some ideas for Cayle's 2nd birthday. She had a slide show of his first year. And she gave out books for the children instead of treat bags. Cayle got the book "Goodnight Moon." I was actually looking at it last night. I had fun all except a couple things. Mom kept trying to talk for me when it came to Cayle. Ladies there would ask how old he is or when his birthday was or something like that..and whenever I opened my mouth to answer..she would cut in and answer for me..And she would say things that made it seem like SHE takes care of him ALL the time..and that I never do a thing. It really bothered me. It feels like she forgets that Cayle is MY baby. I'm the mom. She's the grandmother. Not only that..she talked for me about MY wedding. One of the ladies noticed my ring and SHE cut in to say "She's getting married next October..and she wants a simple wedding. she got her dress. she couldnt wait." Blah Blah Blah. I cut in and said "I do.?" Mom has hardly asked me about wedding would she know what I want. It was pretty irritating. And on top of that, I had plans with Kay at 2:30 I wanted to leave at 2:15 to give myself time to get there..she knew this a week before the party..and when 2:15 rolled around..she would NOT let me go. I was MAD. I didn't get out of there until 2:50. It was just irritating. Hello..I'm 19 not 6. As far as I know..I can speak for myself..and I mother my child to the best of my abilities. To kinda seemed like she was trying to show off. Ugh. After I left, Kay and I went to starbucks. I was happy to see her. After we got our usual coffee we went to the mall and Bath and Body works was having an AMAZING sale. They had hand soaps for 1 dollar. And hand sanitizers 8 for 5.00. Wall flowers and the refills for 5.00 each. I got a FULL bag of stuff for 20.00. I'm gonna put it back for Christmas technicallly I've started my Christmas shopping. I use the hand sanitizers ALOT at school..We have a lot of nasty heads come me on that. I'll go through those things fast. I'm pretty satisified with my purchase though. I couldn't pass up the sale. My idea for Christmas was to put together some nick-nack baskets customized for every girl on my list. I bought those hand soaps for the baskets. And walmart has little candles for 1.00 and I can do photo frames and stuff to. Here's an example of what I would put in one for Kay..

-hand soap
-starbucks gift card.
-photo frame
-fudge for josh (her fiance)
-a dog toy for their puppy scarlett.
-and a gigi's cupcake gift card (we always like to go.)

That may not be everything I put in there but just a general idea. But it's customized to fit everyone. You know.? That's the point of this. I went to the discount bookstore today and found Cayle a book from a great children's author. David. A. Carter. I wanna save it and give it to him either for his birthday or Christmas. I haven't decided. But I want to make sure he gets books for both his birthday and Christmas. He really doesn't need toys. He has so many. However, when he outgrows them I'll give them to charity or put them in a yard sale to make room for new toys.
After seeing Kay today Cayle and I went to a second birthday party for my friend Essa's son Aiden. He turned one today as well. Cayle and I got him some tiny tonka trucks and a spongebob book (he loves spongebob apparently). I don't know Essa too well, but she's thinking about going to school where I go so I might as well get to know her. She's sweet and her son Aiden is adorable. Cayle started getting cranky after the cake and ice cream so we decided to go home, but when I get home nobody is home so I call Daddy to ask where everyone was..and he said they were about to get something to eat at Las Margaritas (my favorite mexican place.) and that I could meet them if I wanted. So Cayle and I loaded back up in the car and headed that way..after dinner we came home and he just went to bed not long ago. Tomorrow Adam and I are hopefully having date night. We'll see. He's been kinda M.I.A. since he moved in. Not his fault. He has to share his computer and doesn't have a charger for his phone since his biological mother took it without permission. I was mad when he told me this. She's so selfish sometimes. His mom (grandmother that raised him) did a good job raising him to not be selfish. I just wish I could talk to him more. We went from talking every day to txting back and fourth for a little while. It's annoying. Soooo maybe tomorrow will be good. We'll see.
Our six flags plans have been altered some. We've decided not to get a hotel. The deposit will eat our money up and it would be really stretching it in the park. So I think the plan is to just go down for the day. But I'm not sure. We really need to get on it though. I hate not knowing what the plans are. It drives me CRAZY. I need to be organized at all times. I had to use some money for gas the other day from our trip fund. I feel awful, but I had to drive home on E the other day and I wasn't gonna get paid for a couple more days. Money is always so tight. I can't wait to have my job. Money won't be so tight. :/. I just hope everything works out to where we can still go. This is the only freedom I'll have for a while. Granted, I'll still have to go to school, but it's still freedom. Where I won't have to answer to anyone for a week. The house will stay clean. And I can sleep in some. We'll just see what happens I guess.
I've really been thinking about it..and I really want a puppy when I move out. I want a boston terrier. I don't know a name yet, but I will whenever I see my pup. I wanna dress it up on holidays and and spoil it. I don't think I want anymore babies so I'll settle for dogs. I like being able to give Cayle all my attention and since I'm NOT a good pregnant person I'll settle for a puppy. Cayle is going to be more independent and won't be so attached at my hip so I need something to love on. :) And no family is complete without a dog. :)


  1. Those gift baskets are a neat idea! I wish I had the money to do something like that for my friends.. I just have this feeling that Christmas is going to be really tight for us this year, so idk.
    Chris is the big dog person in our family. I have nothing against dogs, but I'm just really bad at remembering to take care of them, so I feel like they could be better cared for somewhere else. Chris is determined to get another dog one day, so I told him when the kids were old enough to help take care of it we could get one lol.

  2. Sounds like a great weekend!
    I know what you mean about her cutting in. Jessie's Mom does that. Heck, so does my family. I had to put them in their place and start talking over them, and that was hard for me to do, but I hate for people to make me feel like a bad Mom. I do EVERYTHING for Samantha. I rarely ask for help. On top of that, when I am out with my Mom, she will try to make it look like Jessie doesn't do anything. She was like, "Ya. At Brittany's graduation, I had to take care of BOTH the babies, mine and hers." I was like, "Excuse me. No, Jessie was. Get it right." She just sot of shrugged it off and switched subjects. Ugh. Anyway, end of rant. Like I was saying, sounds like a good weekend. Sucks about the hotel though. :(
