Saturday, June 18, 2011

Live Every Day As If It Were Your Last..

I've been thinking a lot lately. And I've decided to do things out of my comfort zone. To be a little adventurous. I never know what I'll like until I try it right.? So tonight, I'm conducting a 'Bucket List.' I know of at least three or four things I want to put on there, but I want to have at least 100 things to do before I kick the bucket ;)

A few things on my list include zip-lining, getting a tattoo, and seeing Boston, Massachusetts. Zip-lines are totally NOT something I would do. I'm terrified of heights, but I think it will be good for me. And I think this will give me some confidence. Knowing that there's one less thing I have to fear. Granted, I'm NOT an out-doorsy girl at all..but this is definitely something I am going to make myself do.

Not all things on my list will be as complicated as zip-lining. I've never lit a firework in my life. I'm gonna make myself do that. I also wanna furnish my own apartment MYSELF. No help from my parents. My money. I do it.

I also wanna find dresses that I can feel beautiful in. I wanna..try foreign food. I wanna live long enough to see my baby get married..and have a family of his own (not right away of course) I wanna get "Once Upon A Time..." Tattooed on my back. It's symbolistic for me. I wanna get Cayle's name on me somewhere. I'm afraid of needles..but this in a way will also be good for me.

This bucket list is gonna make me a better, stronger person I feel. I'm gonna be more open to trying new things and I want Cayle to follow my example and be open-minded. But keep it safe. I don't know who's going to be with me for this adventure..but even if I have to do some stuff alone this is going to be awesome for me. And I'm gonna get up the guts and do every last thing...before I kick the bucket. I'll be sure to post the list as soon as possible.



  1. I have actually been thinking of that since the tornado hit down here. I didn't make a bucket list, but I did make the decision to do more with my life than cleaning, although I do Love to clean. I have decided to volunteer more with my church and outside of my church, hang out more, STAY BUSY and keep Samantha ACTIVE. We have something to do every day now. It's great. And I also want to try to be a little nicer, even to those I am not so fond of. And even when they are not there.

  2. We had to make a bucket list of 50 for my psychology class in high school. I've already crossed some things off my list, like "have a beautiful baby" lol. I would really like to revise it though because my priorities are different now that I have a child.

    I've always wanted to do a zip line. I think they look really fun! But heights is a huge phobia for me. It's my second worst fear (my first is something happening to my children). I'm afraid I would get up there and then chicken out. There's this ride at Lake Winnie called O-zone.. well I literally had a panic attack on that ride. It's the only panic attack I've ever had in my life, but it was awful. But I think a zip line might be better because it's not a straight drop down. I hate that feeling.
