Monday, June 20, 2011

My Bucket List.

Here it is.! All items on this list are in no particular order.!

1. Get a tattoo.
2. Finish beauty school.
3. take my state boards and pass.
4. Zip-line.
5. Light a firework.
6. See Boston, MA.
7. See Cayle graduate.
8. See Cayle get married.
9. Wear a dress in public and feel beautiful.
10. Grow my hair to mid-back.
11. Walk for a cause.
12. Give to a charity I'm passionate about.
13. Create my dream home.
14. Own a Dodge car (preferably a Charger.)
15. Try a foreign food I'm afraid to try.
16. Teach Cayle to read.
17. Create a stock pile.
18. Take Cayle to Rock City.
19. Get married.
20. Take Cayle to Disney World.
21. Learn a second language.
22. Stay up all night reading.
23. Achieve my ideal pants size.
24. Eventually, print and frame/scrapbook all my photos.
25. Give a heartfelt surprise to someone.
26. Make a difference in someone's life.
27. Plant a tree.
28. Own my own puppy...and spoil it.
29. Get a complete make over.
30. Learn to play piano.
31. Win a few dollars off of a scratch ticket.
32. Make a Thanksgiving dinner.
33. Have a snowball fight with Cayle.
34. Build a snowman with Adam.
35. Go on a romantic getaway.
36. Bury the hatchet with an enemy.
37. Go to a murder mystery show.
38. Help a stranger in need.
39. Throw someone I love a surprise party.
40. Go out for a drive to nowhere at 2 a.m. just because.
41. Read a book that will change my life.
42. Sleep a day away and feel ok about it.
43. Learn to walk gracefully in high heels.
44. Bake a cake for every holiday.
45. Find beauty in everything.
46. Catch a butterfly on my finger.
47. See a friendly ghost.
48. Carve my own jack-o-lantern.
49. Send a post card to Post Secret.
50. Start the "Elf On The Shelf" tradition for Cayle.
51. Create lasting family traditions.
52. Catch a fish.
53. Decorate a friend's wedding cake.
54. Dress up like Alice in wonderland for Halloween.
55. Give a toy to a toy drive at Christmas time.
56. Learn the words to every Christmas song.
57. Step out of my comfort zone at every given oppotunity.
58. Learn to cook.
59. Take an entire day off.
60. Conquer a fear.
61. Learn to make pancake/waffle batter.
62. Run a mile.
63. Treat myself to a mani/pedi combo.
64. Start the "Night Before Christmas" tradition on Christmas Eve every year.
65. Cook a special dinner for Adam.
66. Tell my parents thank you for everything.
67. Work a puzzle.
68. Play a video game with Adam..and win.
69. Go through the Ripley's Haunted Adventure.
70. Have updated family portraits done regularly.
71. Have a family vacation in Gatlinburg (Adam, Cayle, and me)
72. Sing karaoke.
73. Create a beautiful Bridal hair do.
74. Get Christmas shopping done by Black Friday.
75. Have an extremely close bond with Cayle.
76. Learn to curl my own hair.
77. Make an awesome scrapbook.
78. Experience a sunrise.
79. Experience a sunset.
80. Stand on a rooftop.
81. Make a hemp necklace.
82. Make a quilt.
83. Pick up a new hobby.
84. Work at a cupcake place as a side job.
85. Make a new, life-long friend.
86. Try crest whitening strips.
87. See dolphins up close.
88. Pet a dolphin.
89. Ride a horse again.
90. See a concert with my favorite band.
91. Let go completely of past unhappiness and grief.
92. Tell Cayle and Adam I love them every day.
93. Never go to bed angry.
94. See a play.
95. See a ballet.
96. Let someone know how important they are.
97. Help Cayle grow a mini garden or flower or tree.
98. Be at Cayle's every game/practice/rehersal/show.
99. Touch a sting ray.
100. Hold a large bird on my arm.


  1. HOLY Crap! How did you come up with some of this stuff? lol No really. Great goals though. Some are very unique.

  2. it's just stuff i've always wanted to do..things that have stuck out in my mind.

  3. Plant a tree is on my bucket list lol. I want a Dodge Challenger.. however, I don't really like the brand new ones, so it would have to be like a 2010 lol. Also, what do you want a tattoo of?

  4. I want "Once Upon A Time..." tattooed on my shoulder blade..and cayle's name somewhere on me..not too sure where yet.
